We Can't Agree On Pizza Toppings But We Can Save The Planet?

Meta Pizza: You argument is Invalid

Have you ever tried to order Pizza with a group of friends? In 10 minutes the disagreement can escalate to a point where even your friendship might be put under questioning. Yet, somehow, people believe that 7.5 billion people can come together and agree on complicated issues such as vegetarianism, global warming, vaccinations, armed conflicts, money and politics.

People fail to understand that there is no such thing as "We" on this planet. It is a cultural travesty, a common delusion. It does not and cannot apply. "We" do not have the same desires. "We" do not have the same motives. "We" do not share the same passions or histories because we carry unique physiologies that have been shaped gradually from different sets of events.


Sure, humans do get together if there are some vested interests about a single issue but this means nothing. The same people are guaranteed to-disagree on plenty of other constituents of that particular issue. There is a reason why political language is so nauseously generic and why religious heresies always seem to multiply.

A group of people come together and let's say agree that gay marriage should be allowed. They push the decision through congress and they make it a reality. They naively cheer "We did it!" when in reality it was not their individual decision that did it. Rather, it was a single common interest about a broad statement "gay marriage should be allowed". The same people disagree on a bunch of other things that involve the very constituents and freedoms of gay marriage such as child adoption, parades and transgenderism just to name the few.

In the same respect the people who claim to fight for protecting the planet do it for different aspects of the issue. Not a single single one of them agreeing in all the details. A vegan might travel 3 times a year with an airplane destroying the ozone layer. At the same time she refuses to eat meat because she is concerned about her carbon footprint. A guy might eat steak twice a week, in his lonely one bedroom apartment while planting trees on the weekend.

Nonetheless, in a meeting with friends — that have 3 kids each on average — the loner might be accused of adding to the pollution of the planet. In reality, having a child is the most polluting action. Another guy eats salads and claims to be vegetarian just to get laid in college. He is also saving the planet by being a hypocrite. All of them care about themselves. Saving the planet comes as an after-effect of their lifestyle. Nobody want to be an asshole so everyone destroys and protects the planet in their own fucked up way.

We always eye-ball the negative aspects of someone else's behavior when we claim that "we try our best". Thing is, everyone does the same thing about us. We just fail to see this because every single one of us is absorbed into their own version of delusion.

The narrative of "We" is a by-product of our primitive tribalism. It is a not logical thought process. It fails when applied in global situations because our individuality shines. "We" are all selfish and self-absorbed either we like it or not. "We" can't save the planet because the planet does not need saving. "We" do.

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