Can you Choose to Refuse? Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is a campaign that aims to get people to stop using single-use plastics for the month of July each year. Obviously this has the intention of longer lasting plastic reduction. It is also a way to spread awareness about the enormous quantity of plastic that exists in most people’s lives.

Image Source Plastic Free July

The idea started in Australia in 2011 and has grown rapidly, with more than a million people worldwide taking the Plastic Free July pledge in 2016. It’s set to be even bigger this year.

The Dangers of Plastic

We all know the dangers of plastic, but sometimes we do need a reminder. One of the main concerns is that it really doesn't biodegrade like simple food waste. Plastic breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces, but the chemical compounds often remain as plastic. When the pieces are very small they enter the food chain and are causing permanent damage to cells and living organisms.

Have a look at how long it takes for some plastics to disappear / break down

Img Source New Blue Ocean
It is great so see so many people taking on the pledge.

Here is how you can join in

  • Avoid using plastic bags in the super market by bringing your own
  • Try switching to soap instead of using gels
  • Avoid purchasing things that use excessive plastic
  • Decline straws
  • Don't use / steal the toiletries provided at hotels.
  • Carry your own water bottle
  • Visit Plastic Free July for more ideas.

There are millions more ideas, many easy and creative solutions! What ideas have you got that could help us use less plastic?

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