Bottle Brush Tea? Why not give it a shot.


I've got this Bottle Brush Bush out on the nature strip.


It is flowering like mad this year and due to the recent windy spring winds, heaps of it has fallen all over the place with its red carpeting.

Bottle Brush Tree

Callistemon is the scientific name given to the Bottle Brush species.
The Bottle Brush is given its name due to the fact that its long flowers resemble a Bottle Brush - jesh we're cluey in Oz.

So, I was thinking, surely there must be something done with the flowers, as the birds go crazy for the nectar - so it means there must be some kinda sweetness, right?

So, doing some little Googling research, it turns out that it can be used as a tea.

"Bottlebrush flowers have a sweet nectar which can either be consumed by sucking on the flowers or by soaking the flowers in water to make a sweet drink." Link


I inserted some of the flowers inside a coffee filter paper satche and gave it a whirl.



It didn't really colour the water too much.

It had a subtle earthy sweet taste, not very strong or alluring.

I think it would go good mixed with some other ingredients.

I'll try it again later, cause if it is a diuretic, then today it would not be welcome. Ha ha.

Benefits ??
I'll just take verbatim from this website as it already synthesises a list of remedies/traditions.

Traditional benefits of Bottle bush plant

  • Used as diuretic and for relieving problems of the urinary tract.
  • Used by women as douche to cleanse the genitourinary tract from excessive menstruation or mucosal discharge as leukorrhea.
  • Used for urinary incontinence and bed-wetting in children.
  • In Jamaica, decoction used as “hot tea” treatment of gastroenteritis, diarrhea, and skin infections.
  • Indigenous people of Australia used the bottle brush flowers as a natural energy drink.
  • Bottle brush essential oil is used to harmonize a room or house bringing tranquil healing vibrations.

Have a great day and thanks for reading.


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