Scariest and deadliest insects

I've read a few articles about insects and based on these articles I made a small table about the 7 most deadliest insects.
If someone does not agree with me or wants to put another insect on the list, feel free to do it.

7. African bee or killer bee


African bee was created in 1957, as part of the combination of European and African honey bee. Of course, like many other 'genius' ideas of playing with nature and this went wrong. Most bees fled to Brazil, then swarms to Central America, and even came to the southwestern part of the United States.

If African bee stings you, it will not only leave their venom in you, but will leave and fragrant pheromone that will mark you as a target and signal other bees to attack you. The human body can withstand about 14 stitches bee for each kilogram of body weight before life is seriously threatened (of course if a person is not allergic to the sting). It is known that swarm of bees can sting a target about 500 times in 30 seconds ...
So far, there have been over 1,000 deaths that have caused these killing bees.

6. Bullet Ant (paraponera clavata)


The bullet Ants come from the rainforest in Nicaragua and Paraguay, they are about 2.5 cm long and mostly live in colonies on trees. When they attack, they usually jump from the trees to the target - and they release a cry.

Although they are not the deadliest bug, Bullet Ant is deserved to be on this list, because of its sting - for which it is claimed that the most painful in the world. Their sting causes tremendous pain that does not stop for 24 hours (which is why local residents call '24 (an hour) ant '). The pain is so strong that feels like bullet shot. Some South American societies use these ants to test the manhood of young boys who must endure 20 stitches without a tear, so they could be regarded as men.

5. Japanese giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia japonica)


This giant hornet can grow up to 5 cm (wingspan of about 76 mm), and are known cases that only one of these hornet can destroy the whole hive of bees. As for the people ... sting can be deadly not only due to allergic reactions, but also because of the many toxins which carries. Every year, this giant hornet kills about 40 people.

There are four interesting things related to the Japanese giant hornet sting: (1) Its sting has a higher concentration of a chemical called acetylcholine and causing pain than any other insect. (2) The poison is so strong that it can melt human flesh. (3) Contains at least eight highly distinct chemicals. (4) Like any other Hornet, you can sting several times.

4. Safari Ants (Dorylus)


Only one colony, which has a incredible 20 million of these ants, can devastate a complete African village.

When they run out of food, the colony starts to march as a entirety destroying everything in their path. Although it is not difficult to avoid them, young or older people often become their victims. Each year, Safari ants kill 20-50 people and make thousands of dollars of damage.

3. Kissing bug (Triatomine)


These bugs are not deadly because of poison - they are dangerous because they infect people with Chaggas disease. These insects do not die after the bite, so only one bug can infect a large number of people. They hide in homes and attack people while they sleep. They mostly biting the soft tissue on the lips and eyes. Chaga's disease is not transmitted by the bite, but faeces that enters the human body through wounds created.

Since 2008, 16 to 18 million people have been infected with this disease, of which 20,000 people per year die. Chagga causes severe heart damage, and heart transplantation is completely ineffective because the parasite instantly attacks the new heart.

2. Tsetse fly (Glossina morsitans)


Tsetse fly is known for transmitting many dangerous diseases. It occurs in the Sahara desert Kalahari, They drink blood. There are 34 different types of Tsetse fly, and they are grouped into three categories: savannah flies, forest flies and river flies.

Most of the deaths in Africa caused by this fly occur due to a disease known as sleeping illness. Each year, between 250,000 and 300,000 people die due to these flies (the number is slowly decreasing). If the 'sleeping disorder' caused by this flies is not treated at time, may be deadly. The disease first attacks the heart function and then goes to the nerve (which causes sleep disorders) - and eventually death.

**1. Mosquitoes (Culicidae) **


Mosquitoes are the most dangerous species of insects on Earth. This deadliest insect causes a million deaths each year by transmitting deadly malaria disease.
Mosquitoes spread germs into the blood of victim by bitings. WHO estimates that every 30 seconds one child dies due to malaria and 500 million malaria cases reported each year.

Malaria is a blood transmitted disease. This disease will not affect by contact with the sick person. Beside malaria mosquitoes also spread dengue fever, yellow fever, encephalitis and West Nile virus.

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