Sedona Arizona - Series #1. - Red Rock, Temperal Vortexs?

Sedona Arizona is one of the most beautiful areas in the US. It is also supposed to have four temporal vortexes.

The definition of a temporal vortex is as strange as the vortexes themselves.


It is described as "A place in nature where the earth is exceptionally alive with energy".

I thought people were nuts when they told me this.

Is this is where all the old hippies retired.

Maybe It was just my imagination but I could have sworn I felt static electricity a few times.

Perhaps it was just the wind, dust, or an allergic reaction to a local pollen.

That still doesn't account for a few other things.

Juniper trees in certain areas are all twisted counter clockwise.

There are also 20 or more churches in a relatively small area.

Vortexes or not, this is sure one magical place.

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