Blessings of Allah !

I would like to share my Personal experience about life and Blessings of Allah !

• We cannot count them but we can Thankful to Allah Almighty for all these Blessings !

Allah has bestowed countless blessings upon us. He has endowed us with the gifts of sight and hearing, the intellect, health, wealth and family. He has even subjected everything in the universe for us: the sun, the moon, the heavens and the earth, and many countless things, as the Qur’an states,

“If you tried to number Allah’s blessings, you could never count them.”

Islam is the Greatest Blessing Ever

However, all these blessings will cease to exist when our short worldly life comes to an end. The only blessing that is bound to bring about happiness and tranquillity in this life and eternal bliss in the hereafter is the blessing of being a Muslim, which is undeniably the greatest blessing Allah has ever bestowed upon us.

It is for this reason that Allah attributes this blessing to Him, giving it great honour over other blessings, as the Qur’an states,

"Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My blessing upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.”

It is for this reason that Allah attributes this blessing to Him, giving it great honour over other blessings, as the Qur’an states,

“Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My blessing upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.”

How great Allah’s blessings upon us are! He has taken us out of the darkness of ignorance into the light of faith and guided us to the true religion which He has chosen for us in order to realise the objective behind our existence, namely, to worship Him and thus lead a happy life in this world and obtain an excellent reward in the hereafter.

How great Allah’s favours upon us are! He has chosen us and made us the best community that has ever been brought forth for the good of mankind, bearing the testimony of faith, Laa ilaaha illallaah (There is no god worthy of worship except Allah), with which He has sent all His prophets.

When some ignorant people mistakenly thought that they had done the prophet ﷺ a favour by embracing Islam, Allah reminded them that it was indeed Allah who had favoured them by guiding them to Islam in the first place, as the Qur’an states,

“They think they have done you a favour by becoming Muslims! Say: ‘‘Do not consider your Islam a favour to me. No indeed! It is Allah who has favoured you by guiding you to the faith if you are telling the truth.”

It is true that Allah’s blessings are numerous, but the only blessing, as the verse makes it clear, regarding which Allah declares He has bestowed a favour upon us is that of guiding us to Islam and to worshipping Him alone without associating any partners with Him whatsoever.

Therefore, in order to continue benefiting from such immense blessing, we need to express gratefulness to Allah for bestowing such a favour upon us
as the Qur’an states,

“If you are grateful, I will certainly give you increases "


Thanks for read my post
Sheikh Faiza Iftikhar

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