Motivation nature life


Life is easy just the same jaga2 never hurt the hearts of the believer your life will always calm down ...

And if you perna hurt the hearts of people do not be selfish do not be shy and do not hesitate to apologize to them
Believe them it will be more respect and love you ...

Apologizing to them does not mean you are wrong but for you more calm and for you to end the hostilities that do not bring benefits ..
our lives will be many enemies if we are not in line with the environment we live. Wrote the fine ..

Share that's fine ..
Think about the best, establish your intentions, then write something useful in your status column.
Do not delay my friends .. Because we do not know the status of where our friends find His way of grace

Whatever we write, everything is neatly placed beside Him
Our status can be a source of endless rewards or endless calamities.

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