The December Fog.

Of a truth, we don't really experience weather dramas here in Africa. But what I saw this morning is out of the world. As a matter of fact, I've happened upon series of end-of-the-year seasons, and I can tell that some can be dramatic and torrid. Unlike other countries, continents who experience series of unbelievable weathers which could be inconvenient.

Decembers for us in Africa are for harmattan seasons where everything thing sucks(permit me to say that, please🙄). Geographically and naturally, Africa is known for her torrid rays of the sun, heat which no furnace could beat. We, Africans, practically love all weathers and it's seasons except for those of heat and yes! In case you don't know, Africans could tolerate heat than the unfriendly coldness that comes with our harmattan in Decembers.
Although, not all harmattans are harsh, but we barely have the friendly ones.


So, for the past three days or more, there has been this consistent heat at night. Well, I expect you not to be shocked of why some of us might experience heat. Remember this is Africa, and yes, I happened to unfortunately fall under one of the poor countries in electricity, also, generators are for those who can afford it, and those who can afford sometimes can't afford fuelling it. Besides, I'm still a student, haven't started working. So, I bet that explains the reasons for the heat. 👀


However, waking up this morning out of frustrated night of heat. Then, I gazed upon this eye-blinding fog dominating all the atmosphere. You could barely see beyond 4-5feet before you. It was so blurry and disturbing, I must commend. I mean, all my life, I've witnessed weathers and its phenomenon but the fog I happens upon this morning is actually a news to me that I wouldn't want to have alone but share with you all.


While beholding these pictures brought to you by yours truly, Ade. I am patiently and eagerly awaiting your responses and tales of the nature too, especially the ones about fog!!!!!!


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