The Earth has Music for those who listen

Your brush was delineating with such subtlety,
creating nature on your stellar canvas.
More than art,
it is the union of feelings and emotions
at my disposal as a gift not deserved.

You give me the sweet taste of natural sources,
rivers distributed like veins in the body,
and a Sea dyed with radiant Stars.

The infinite immensity of the firmament,
the brightness of the sun at its zenith,
or the combination of pink colors in the sunset.
I delight in your grace, beloved God!


I focus my gaze on your rock formations,
like a Valley of Monks at your feet.


The Valley of the Monks in Sierra Tarahumara, Mexico.

You talk to me through the wind,
you try to whisper in my ear,
You move ordinary breezes from one side to the other,
drawing lyrics in the sand
and succeeding in aligning a Wave in the Desert.


I am dazzled by your Glory
when I see with these eyes wonders of your creation.
You enjoy mixing changing shades;
with your hand you draw Mountains
remarkably of Seven Colors.


Mountain of Seven Colors of Cusco, Peru


I feel confident in you;
as a bird in the sky takes its flight
without knowing its destination,
it certainly will obtain sustenance.
Like a flower in the Keukenhof Garden,
the days pass, and it always remains gleaming
with dresses of fine linen.


I am surprised again when water currents,
subject to gravity, rush to great slopes
founding torrents of water
where cherubs are submerged,
emitting the Angel Falls


The Angel Falls in Bolívar State, Venezuela

The earth has music for those who listen.-George Santayana.


Separator Courtesy

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