Let's try to save our planet.

    Hey my fellow steemians i hope youˋre doing very well! Today i bring you my second post, guessing that i'm starting to feel more motivated to share with this huge and nice community my experience planting some trees in a mountain near my home and bring you some info about climatic change.

    I've been reading news about climatic change (surely isnˋt a myth anymore) and how does it affects humans and all of the living creatures in the planet, the continuous emissions of toxic gasses into the atmosphere are increasing the global termperature called "Global Warming" it is the current increase in temperature of the Earth's surface (both land and water) as well as it's atmosphere; Average temperatures around the world have risen by 0.75°C (1.4°F) over the last 100 years about two thirds of this increase has occurred since 1975. 

    Global warming is affecting many places around the world. It is accelerating the melting of ice sheets, permafrost and glaciers which is causing average sea levels to rise, this may cause in an economic level that the sea ports around the world must be relocated because of the sea rising of course this is futuristic vision of what could happen.

    The cause of global warming is the increasing quantity of greenhouse gases in the our atmosphere produced by human activities, like the burning of fossil fuels or deforestation. These activities produce large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions which is causing global warming. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere to keep the planet warm enough to sustain life, this process is called the greenhouse effect. It is a natural process and without these gases, the Earth would be too cold for humans, plants and other creatures to live.    

    The natural greenhouse effect exists due to the balance of the major types of greenhouse gases, however, when abnormally high levels of these gases accumulate in the air, more heat starts getting trapped and leads to the enhancement of the greenhouse effect and human-caused emissions have been increasing greenhouse levels which is raising worldwide temperatures and driving global warming.

    So after seeing by myself around where i live that the temperatures are increasing at an incredible speed, i basically made this comparison remembering the relative temperature backwards up to 10 years ago; this motivated me to begin a plan to do some reforestation in a mountain closer to my home, it's about 15 minutes of hiking and with my sister on the beginning of this new year we decided to plant some trees to help reduce just a little little  the climatical changes that are affecting the world. On the past years we have been going trough very severe droughts that have reduced the capacity of producing vegetables and decreasing the capacity to feed animals.

On this first stage of our plan we have planted 6 trees: 

  •  1 orange tree ( Citrus senensis).
  •  1 lemon tree (Citrus lemon).
  •  3 neem trees (Azadirachta indica)
  •  1 Fiscus (Ficus Benjamina)

Yep! maybe sounds like these are just a few trees but it recquires a very good phisical condition and mental strength to hike those steepy climbs and plant them, by the time you hold your backpack with a weight almost of 10kg.    Something that is very common in my country Venezuela is that some unconcious people every year turn the mountains into fire without any reason, it seems to be a tradition (a horrible one) 



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