Wet Times.


In all the dynamic ways of nature, talk about moon, sun, flowers, grasses, sand, trees, winter, summer and many we can't mention, there's one which cannot be left out. In fact it is the only phenomenon of nature that keeps nature alive. And that is rain.
Water, stream water, river, ocean, sea are the offsprings of rain and yet, rain remains their supplement in maintenance. Rain does not only maintain the ocean, sea and its kind but also keeps nature alive.


Imagine years without rain, unarguably, the land wouldn't be conducive for any living thing, be it animals or humans, and the forestry would have been fading off this planet. Undoubtedly, no tree will bear its fruit and no land will favour humanity and nature.

Maybe this will descry the factual purpose of nature to humanity though, sadly, it remains unnoticed or, rather should one say it is unappreciated. Imagine that the electricity dam dried off overnight due to the lack of water supply which is originally rain, would anyone even brush against the fact that rain allows us to create electricity through hydropower? Plants need water in order to survive, they receive much of this water from rain. Forests that experience high levels of rainfall are called rainforests. Rain with high levels of acid (a low pH) is called acid rain. And are these not for the purpose and survival of humanity?


As for me, the best weather of the year circle is the rainy season. Although it can be superfluous sometimes and it can be provoking as well. I mean, you wouldn't want to do your laundry and wait WEEKS for it to get dried. Or is there anyone who will be cool to get his/her plan forfeited for the day due to the consistent downpour? No, I suppose.

Nevertheless, ask the farmers their best season of the year and don't be surprised to know the chorus answer being RAINY SEASON. Rain fertilizes the land to bear more fruit that you and I can't do without, even in a day.

If you ask me, I will tell you my favorite smell is the smell of earth after rainfall, the wetness of the earth relaxes my bones and makes me relax more. Come to Africa and check out the weather after rain, I bet you will be mesmerized by the chilling breeze that blows calmly, like you found your way to heaven. Yeah, heaven on earth it is.

I'm not surprised realizing many are not fan of the rainy seasons. Well, it happens, we can't all love nature equally, it's the way of nature. But I can say to you, being a selenophile, that rain is an intruder of the moon. 😩 I want the rain and moon together same day, crazy right? I know, that will be an intriguing topic for another day.

Pictures displayed are shot by yours truly, Ade. 😊❤️🌧️img_20210808_180233_0.jpg


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