The Sun, the Mountains and the Clouds.


You can't deny the fact that a bright sunny day is a motivation for a better day. Here, in Africa, sun isn't an August visitor to us, as it is to some countries like, London, Canada, Iceland, Alaska, Norway and so on. Almost everyday of our lives here in Africa involves the sun. Despite the fact that we got "burnt" all for the sake of our hot sun here, we, Africans, can't stand a month without the sun, especially on the Africa land.


As we know Africa to be the land of all fruitfulness, our farmers need sun sometimes to help maintain and preserve their farm products. You don't wanna see a farmer cry because his cocoa couldn't meet up with the market because it didn't get dried on time. However, farmers prefer rain to sun in most cases but yet, can't rub the sun's purpose off its face.

When you behold nature, your eyes can't deny the beauty of the mountains. Be it in Africa or the other side of the world, there are always mountains. Large in size or small. And is anyone not amazed by the magnificent scenery of the mountains? The giant stone that sits right on earth and in most cases, you may witness some in imbalance positions. And watch your jaw fall apart.

If we should talk about the myths or religion, we could say the mountains were created for human purposes to help communicate with God easier. At least, the Christians and Muslims witnessed some in the scriptures. And till today many believers go to the mountains and pray.
However, while some, like me, goes to the mountains to sit, meditate, pray if possible, and just relax off the stress in our heads. Both, in any case is for the purpose of humanity.

"Raise your head up child, it's beautiful up there, isn't it? Remember you belong up there, not down here. Always look up!"

So will my father say to me whenever I failed in a particular situation. And that has been my watchword ever since.😊❤️


Now, what do we see when we look up? The clouds, right? And has anyone wondered what was the cloud made of? Science may provide their own knowledge and so will myths. But have you looked up the clouds sometimes and sight an image in shape of anything you're familiar with or, not, and one thing for sure is you'll begin to wonder and before you know it, it's gone. I always find this particular encounter intriguing whenever I have the chance to watch the clouds.

Won't you also like to talk about any of your experiences with any of these, I'm waiting in the comment section as you behold these gorgeous pictures of the sun, the mountains and the clouds.

©Brought to you by yours truly, Ade. 🌼☀️🌞☁️⛰️img_20191104_171707_3.jpg

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