My hiking trip with pictures - Vrtača/Wertatscha (2181m)

Greetings everyone!
For my first post on steemit, I would like to share with you some pictures taken on a hiking trip I took just before winter, so here we go...

Vrtača/Wertatscha (2181m)

It was a very foggy and cloudy morning when I left my car at the base of the mountain and started the hike. The visibility was only around 20-30 metres so I contemplated turning around and trying the trail on a nicer day so I wouldn't get lost.

Fortunately, I didn't give up and after a good 30 minute hike I was already above the fog and the clouds.

Upon reaching the fist plateau, the weather cleared up completely.

The trail then led me through a scree slope. They are my favourite type of terrain to hike on which made this part of the hike a breeze.

After reaching the top of the slope, only one last push remained between me and the summit.

After reaching the summit, I rested for a bit and was soon joined by an interested Alpine Chough - a common sight in our mountains. They aren't afraid of people and are even known for eating from your hands.

The view from the summit was well worth the effort!

Just as I regained enough energy for the descent, my newly found friend left me, so I knew it was time for me to safely descend and go home. Another fun day spent in nature!

That's it for my first post. All comments and opinions are welcome. Please Upvote and Subscribe if you liked the content and would like to see more similar posts.

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