The Unusual Side of Mother Nature that absolutely amuses me!!!... Seeing this, I was Awestruck & Surprised!🌳Couldn't believe!

Its always been my endevour to search and explore the different side of Mother Nature. Sometimes, its truly gorgeous, when I capture it, in the form of stunning beautiful flowers and sometimes its so unique and different that its hard to believe my eyes of what I have/had witnessed!!!

One such stance, where I encountered this huge...really huge tree with all those visible roots I stumbled get the real feel of it !!!

Kindly click on the Image to see the Enlarged View!

Generally, we are so very used to seeing the tree trunks standing tall on the ground and the roots underneath...deep underground...invisible!!! That's a common phenomenon that we usually see almost everywhere!!!

However, when I came across this giant tree, a millions thoughts came across my mind...strangely enough, at night they resemble like a python or an Anaconda...stood still !!! OMG !!! Just think of it !!! seeing the captures!


Its really so very surprising to see the way Mother Nature devices the strategies for itself !!!

I came across with two such trees in the near vicinity, one was perhaps extremely old (could analyse, seeing the roots) the other one was not that old...but was ready to spread its roots all over !!!



I visited the place couple of times to really believe my eyes and touch the roots and get the first hand experience! It was truly awesome to witness such a side of Nature !!!

I was totally amazed !!!

Hope you like watching the captures!!!


Kindly click on the Image to see the Enlarged View!

The Science behind Surface Roots!!!

I have been extremely curious, reading and trying to understand, as to why some trees tend to develop such surface roots and eventually they grow massive…huge and expand in all the directions…randomly…forming strange patterns…!!!

Though, tree roots like to remain and live n grow under the ground thats the area where they get all the moisture and nutrients to sustain its growth. But, there are indeed several reasons for the surface tree roots.

“Way too Compact soil”, “low level of oxygen”, “excessive water”, “high ground water table”, “excessive mulch” and certain other conditions lead to the surface tree roots. With such conditions prevailing they remain and grow and expand over the surface and also act as feeder roots .

Quite interestingly, the tree’s feeder roots are found on the uppermost surface of the ground, whereas the ones who are responsible for supporting and anchoring the tree run pretty much deeper into the ground. Proportionately to the size of the tree over the surface of ground, the supporting and anchoring roots might run twice or even thrice the size of tree, deeper into the ground to keep it standing tall against all the odds. So, as the tree grows so does these feeder roots over the surface and remain exposed.

Though Surface roots may seem unsightly, but they cause no harm, if there is no concrete structure nearby. These will grow, here and there, as the tree grows, over the years and therefore will look bigger and mightier with the passage of time. One thing is definitely there…nothing…no barrier can stop them from growing, so if there is any concrete structure or barrier placed, erected, it will crack and the roots will grow further and further! Unstoppable!!!

Pruning, cutting, chopping of these surface roots may badly affect the tree and the whole balance of it and will adversely affect the tree’s whole ecosystem.

"Some Information" gathered & abridged from this Source, rest, researched, analysed & produced!!!

I have also captured this Brief Video and posted on Youtube! Hope you all like it!

Thanks for reading & watching!

Wishing you all Good luck, with Lots of Love!!! Cheers!

Blogging…Its Charm & The Reality!!!

Blogging…seems so much fun…!!! Isn’t it! Yes! Ofcourse…it is!...but…trust you me…Blogging is not all that easy…though it seems pretty interesting to get engaged with lot of people on the web. There must be a million sites involved in blogging and all…but I always question how many of them actually produce original quality content that is really beneficial or purposeful… and for some it’s the same content, slightly modified here and there…which is indeed a sad state of affairs!!!
The only thing comes to my mind is Charles Darwin’s Theory which will remain applicable till there is life on Earth!!!
Struggle for Existence…!
Survival of The Fittest…!
Such a Life!!!....You will definitely get noticed…One day!!!...for sure!!!...Till then patiently wait for your turn!!!


Be Different & Distinct from Others!!!...Be Original…Be Creative!!!

Create your own Niche!!!

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