Natural Vision Correction: but how much will it cost?

For my upcoming Natural Vision Correction project we will be needing multiple pairs of glasses, each one a little weaker than the next, slow coaxing our vision back to where it should be.

@minismallholding kindly sent me the link to an Australian glasses & lenses retailer. are offering some amazing deals. For those of us who live in Australia of course!

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Regardless, this serves as a good walk through for those of us looking to take this on and ultimately throw away our lenses forever.

Step one

Go to your optician and make sure to take their results home with you. These are mine you can see below.


This is important because you will need this info when ordering the glasses online.

You will notice that I have subtracted -0.25 from both the left & right eye, in the SPH section.

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The next time I order a new pair which will likely be in a few months, I will do the same thing and subtract a further -0.25 from both lenses.

See how it works now?

How to measure your PD

This was an unexpected requirement in the ordering process.

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Mine was exactly on average, but I guess it's always good to check.

These are the glasses I went for (even though I wont actually be buying them)

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After all the discount codes had been added in I was looking at under $20 USD, with a free pair to boot!

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Now that, my friends, is the way to buy glasses!

I cannot imagine how much more this would cost at your local optician.

So, next job is to find an online company with similar prices... but not limited to Australia.

All suggestions welcome.

Here is the first part of the Natural Vision Correction series, made last week:

The FB group I mention in the film can be found here

And the film I made about sun-gazing can be found here

Taking control of the prescription

I will be making a film in the next few days which will show you how to measure your prescription at home. And it isn't the way you think.

Being able to regularly measure our improvement at home is a really important part of this journey. Once you are confident with this you will never need your optician again.

Except to walk back in there in a few years and let them marvel at the impossible miracle of you achieving perfect vision without them or any of their fancy gadgets.

Ohhhh it's gonna be a good moment.

They will tell you it's just a fluke of course: "you're just one of those lucky few", because it goes against everything they have been taught as truth.

And truth is never quite what it seems when it comes to money loving corporations.

This project is being run in association with @naturalmedicine

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and let's not forget @eco-alex of @ecotrain who is in association with everyone else ;)


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