Steem And Me

@Snowpea started a new Challenge called Steem And Me: 5 Questions Answered.

In this challenge, you're invited to contemplate on your journey with Steem, re-evaluate what it means to you, and what is/was most important to you.

As it turns out, I first came onto Steemit with my original account exactly one year ago. Being in the middle of the HF20 fracas, I held off from posting... so I guess this post is my Steemiversary post a few days after!!

I was nominated by @snook, and I've decided to meet the challenge and write my answers to these 5 questions...

1.) In my opinion, what are the two greatest aspects of the Steem platform?

I was going to say something along the lines of "creators get rewarded for their creativity", or words to that effect. But really, I think that's secondary.

Firstly, the very palpable sense of community that I've witnessed. Yes, there is the rewards, the cryptocurrency, yes we're all 'running a business' and 'selling our brand'... but in a way that's secondary to the creation of communities built around creativity (and curation of said creativity). It's the sense that the abundance comes only after there is the structure in place, and the structure first and foremost are the people, and then the systems in place to serve them.

People here encourage one another, and create a sense of camaraderie that I've only ever seen in communities in real life - very unique for online world. I've written it before, but Steem puts the 'social' back into 'social media'.

The other thing is that there really is something for everyone here. You can write blogs, fiction, articles, essays, poems, share your music, or your art. You can create an post memes, post videos, stream yourself playing your favourite game, speculate on cryptocurrency, develop Apps and software, code, run a blockchain, post memes of cats, play game-cards.... have I left anything out? What's happening slowly is that all these niches are slowly developing their own 'front-ends' too, which means that the Steem blockchain could become the underlying infrastructure for a vast network of creative-driven platforms and dApps.

This the way of the future.

We've been dreaming so long,
We've been taken so far from where we belong,
We the people!
- Hunters & Collectors

2.) What are the 2 largest complaints I have concerning the Steem platform?

Perhaps the communities and ideas are moving faster than the blockchain can keep up with; perhaps some more attention and assistance with development. Could Steemit Inc. be more proactive about linking the non-technical ideas people with the programmers, developers, and technicians? I guess that's where networking comes in. But I guess, as someone who merely loves to write (but has ideas), where do I go to find those with technical expertise who could bring my visions to fruition? I feel there is a divide between people like me and those who work behind the scenes.

The only other complaint is the front-ends. I don't think the 'trending' page is a true indication of what goes on here (see Q1 above). And also, why not have some kind of single URL which all front-ends (steempeak, busy, steemit, etc) would go to when a link is clicked.

No complaints,
But it's harder
to believe in the truth
- Beck

3.) What 2 moments are the most memorable to me?

I've written about this in another post, but my involvement with the #naturalmedicine community has brought back my passion and imagination for natural health & healing after having 'retired' from the profession. The realisation that my love of this field was buried under layers of low self-belief, lack of confidence, and jaded cynicism from years of bureaucratic constraint.

The other was returning to the Steemit Ramble's Pimp Your Post Thursday sessions, and being able to actually chat with people, real people, with real voices, from all around the world, and share our creations with one another. And it's fun. And funny. There is always a laugh to be had. And I get to read posts that might not otherwise have come across my newsfeed.

That shit is cool!!

A pimper's paradise, that's all she was
Every need got an ego to feed
- Bob Marley

4.) What are the two most important lessons I've learned in my time as a Steemian?

It's called social media for a reason. It's about being social. Stepping out of my comfort zone and chatting with people in the various chat channels is so important. This kind of thing is important in real-life... in Steem, not any different.

Also, be creative, authentically, from the heart. Express yourself unashamedly, and with without candour... but also with some humility. We create to appease something deep within us that wants to express (write, draw, sing, video, develop apps, etc); but we need to also make it available and accessible. At the end of the day, I could write something I think is the best thing I've written and get a handful of votes. I'm not going to stress about that... because ultimately, I'm pleased with what I produced, whether it got a lot of attention or not. The platform gives me that opportunity.

The blacksmith and the artist
Reflect it in their art
They forge their creativity
Closer to the heart
- Rush

5.) Out of my entire time here, what 2 posts am I most proud of?

I have several I really love, that originally were published on either Medium, or on my blog Pandora's Lost Gift. But if I was to keep it to stories I published originally on Steem it would be the following:

Out Of My Body: My Acupuncture Story - this was the one that I feel I got a lot of kudos for, and kind of really pushed me into the #naturalmedicine community, and back into thinking seriously about my past and my future in natural health & healing. It's also the first time I wrote about that particular experience, even though it was so influential in my life. I can't believe I never even wrote about it or told my patients about it!

image source
However Far Away - this was one of my posts for the #song-challenge series of posts (which reminds me I have more of those to start writing). I love this series, because I love music, and I love playing music and sharing the music I love to listen to (I so need my own radio show!!). This one was asking me to consider a song I'd love to play at my wedding. Now, I've been married before, and its all a little traumatic. But I ❤️❤️❤️ my partner (not my wife, I'm divorced), and so considering this song, it got me thinking about how much I love her... and would I consider asking her to marry me? I'm still unsure, but the point was it got me reflecting on the nature of your relationship. This year has been tough for me, so remembering and being grateful for her presence in my life has been fucking amazing. I don't think the post got much attention, not many votes... but writing it - and listening to that song by The Cure - was a sheer pleasure!

OK, so that's me. Hope you enjoyed the read, and feel free to listen to the soundtrack (link below).

Seeing as I was tagged, I'm going to pass this along to a few folk. It's your choice whether you want to do it or not, but if you do, please feel free to tag me so I can read it. If you're reading this, and haven't been tagged then I invite you to use these questions to write a post also, and let us know about your Steem experience.

1.) In my opinion, what are the two greatest aspects of the steem platform?
2.) What are the 2 largest complaints I have concerning the Steem platform?
3.) What 2 moments are the most memorable to me?
4.) What are the two most important lessons I've learned in my time as a Steemian?
5.) Out of my entire time here, what 2 posts am I most proud of?

@riverflows, @thetreeoflife, @holisticmom, @mountainjewel, @richardcrill

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Listen to the HI-FI MIXTAPE: BRING ME A DREAM soundtrack.


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