The 7 stages of disease

Enervation – annoyance, constant overstimulation. Going to the gym and lifting weights every day without recovery time in between

Toxemia - may be a form of repeated enervation e.g. food allergy causing digestive toxicity. Environmental pollution, wifi, perfumes etc will enervate or annoy the body. The body can’t process the repeated toxins which leads to self-intoxication which is toxemia

Irritation - Toxins irritate the tissues and systems of the body e.g food intolerances cause toxins which irritate the digestive system. Subclinical, low level inflammation

Inflammation- found in joints, the face, the body. Inflammation is the root of all disease in western medicine. It’s a protective measure by the body bringing blood flow to the area that carries oxygen and nutrients. Allopathy recognizes the disease at stage 4 whereas preventative medicine deals with stages 1 through 3. Stage 4 is where pain is felt for the patient so the allopath will prescribe drugs here which will increase enervation, toxicity and irritation in an attempt to prevent the last 3 stages.

Ulceration - The tissues are in a bad condition, filled with toxins. They start dying off but the body always wants to heal itself so it puts some kind of containment around the site. In that environment, things are going to self replicate differently. There’s more pain here so this is where the allopath will operate and surgically remove

Induration - (think durable, long lasting, hard) hardening of the tissues in that area. The allopath reverts to surgical intervention. Cutting things out helps the body in a way but also has consequences…cutting into other tissues severs the highways of connection in the body.
Take years to repair. Don’t want to get here. Better to prevent it before it gets to this point.

Cancer - The body has had too much toxicity for too long. Cancer is like a plague inside the body, it causes massive cellular death which leads to human death.

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