

Why ....

do we have a tendency to accept the status quo?
i don't know why you say goodbye, i say hello!

Gooday fellow Steemians, here's hoping your days are filled with joy. What is joy? Real joy is the ability to fully feel ALL feelings (good and bad). Apparently.

I think i am attached to feelings like the feelings which came when i needed unconditional love as a young child, but instead received conditional love. This is not to blame my parents, they were and are as they are, conditioned by their own parents. It's like an emotional imprint which gets stamped into us from an early age and is passed from generation to generation.

We want unconditional love, so we do the stuff which makes us feel the same way as when we wanted it before, but instead got conditional love. So, i continue to overeat (for example) which i used to do as a child when i felt bad, to numb the upset feelings. Had i been taught that we are meant to fully feel all feelings, without reasoning why, without the story, then i would not have numbed them and created the patterns which have repeated throughout my life. However, now i am aware of this, and know of tools (like mindful meditation, The Presence Process etc.) which if used consistently can help release the physical and emotional tensions, the #innerblocks, i can choose to step out of these patterns, to step out of the status quo and break the chains which have bounnd me.

Why ....

do we seem to be stuck with corrupt governments who steal our energy (labour, money etc.) and murder our brothers and sisters around the world?

Why ....

can we not change this? Perhaps we can, but once more we are more comfortable with feelings of conditional love which arise from the actions of our governmennts, corrupt business leaders etc. To make change is uncomfortable, but necessary if we truly desire peace and joy (and the abundance which comes with them).


Well, the real solutions lie inside, by making those internal adjustments (emotional integration) to enable us to realise (real-eyes) the peace which is actually here now, in each and every moment. By making a decision to focus within (which could to begin with be just sitting still with eyes closed and observing the breath and the thoughts as they come and go) on a regular basis, every day, we WILL begin to real-eyes that inner peace, that background of stillness which resides within us all.

We can also do things externally which will help (not that there is really anything external, it's all more like the mind projecting a movie on the eternal never changing screen of true self).

One of the things i am doing "externally", as you may have seen from some of my previous posts (for example: What if?), is to put into place, here on the Steem Blockchain, the Matrix-8 Multi-Level Governance Platform designed by John Huckel (@matrix-8). I quote below some extracts from his white paper.

Image Source https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/03/world/asia/hong-kong-protest.html

HONG KONG, 8 April 2020

Headline in The South China Bugle:
Successful Hong Kong Protesters Credit Steemit's Matrix-8 Platform for Renaissance of Democratic Process

"Following today's unprecedented, and unannounced 17 million-strong demonstrations in 47 cities throughout Sino-Asia – Chicom Premier-for-Eternity Mou Sy-Dung has taken an awkward, but portentous step back. Unaccustomed to surprises, or to acknowledging even the slightest defeat, he has nonetheless announced a year-long moratorium on governmental responses to peaceful protests in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Tibet. It would seem that The Chinese People's Voice—as they are calling it—has been heard!"

This imaginary (image-in) headline is the kind of headline we WILL be seeing once the Matrix-8 Platform is in place and begins to be used by many people, as a way to create solutions instead of to accept (by doing nothing) the status quo.

The universe is constantly pelting us with new situations with which we must deal. And most often, if you're like me, before you do something – you think about it. It is at those times of indecision that internal pow wows occur. You argue back and forth – as if you had split yourself into different Selves with different agendas. You have an internal discussion regarding what exactly it is you want, and what exact steps you should take to achieve those Goals. We have these confabs when we stop to reassess our situation – wondering how we should proceed towards our stated Goals (and whether those Goals still pertain). In essence, we are assessing and grading each possible Future against a slew of different scales. When one Future gets the highest score... we act on that one. Decision-making is a process of: 1) Establishing a personal or group Goal; 2) Deliberating regarding all options; 3) Reaching an Accord; and then, 4) Acting.

As I see it – in a nutshell, the Founders of Steemit followed the above steps when they created Steemit. They found that they had similar Goals to improve Social Media, they deliberated among themselves until they reached an Accord – then, they took action regarding a method to make Social Media better. And as a result, you and about 500,000 other regular Steemiens are convinced that frequenting Steemit is a good thing to do. I agree. The Founders done good! (Let's all hold hands, and sing, Kumbaya.) But the job is not completely done yet – there is still quite a bit more to do.

And to help you appreciate the potential magnitude of the innovative communications system I'm about to outline, I'm going to give you an image.

I want you to think of the night sky full of twinkling stars. Some stars appear brighter than others; some appear larger; and some appear to overlap with others. But big or small, near or far, we know that each one is its own unique source of light. Each one has its own solar system, and each one is in its own unique orbit in relation to all the others. Similarly, each Adult Human Being is the unique sovereign source of their own power. Each Individual has his or her own family, friends, and associates around whom they orbit – and in their interactions with others, no Adult Individual ever loses his or her Sovereignty just because they join with others in Group activities.

I have developed a joyously disruptive rendition of the Democratic Process. It is a superior methodology ensuring fruitful Deliberations among large Groups of people. It breaks large unwieldy Groups into small cells of 8 like-minded people, where no one ever has to deal with more than 7 others. Unlike the sporadic comings and goings of disagreeable strangers in a standard Chatroom, it's as if these folks were boarding their own minibus with a common destination in mind. Navigating in such a small group unleashes humanity's natural drive for group harmony. They may not know exactly the route they want to take, but they are all in agreement about the general purpose of the trip. They just have to figure out the best way to get there. And along the way, they will determine exactly what they are going to DO when they get there.

I will leave it at that for the moment, just to give you a taste of what is coming, and what will be. To learn more, please read the full white paper.

Why ....

would you click on the white paper link and spend 20 minutes or so to read it in full?

Because ....

even if there is just the faintest glimmer of hope, by doing so you might begin to feel some joy inside, some joy which could help you and all beings step out of the status quo by taking positive action and helping build Matrix-8.

Please Comment ...

below to share your thoughts, to ask questions, to make suggestions or to ask how else you can help. Just this small step will be putting energy into this POSITIVE, WORLD CHANGING SYSTEM which WILL be one of the catilysts to All Beings Rising in Love together.

Please Resteem ....

this post to help begin a wave of conscious uprising wash across Steem and the (apparent) world outside.

Let us play joyfully in this wonderful game of life, but most of all, don't take anything too seriously.

With Love
Who am i?

ps. The picture at the top of this post is a kitchen cabinet i made from an old window frame (Why? .... Because i like to use reclaimed materials) at Atmanna.

pps. Atmanna is my home and occasional retreat centre in Bulgaria - where i sometimes invite volunteers and guests.
(Why? .... Because i like to share with others what has helped me on my journey, offering a healing space, and to share joyful encounters).

ppps. I wonder if there is a coder in Steemland who would like to visit Atmanna for a healing retreat and help code th Matrix-8 Platform?
(@guiltyparties, @enginewitty says you know of many developers. Perhaps you could spread the word, i would be grateful).

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