Wolf Debate in Germany

As the number of wolves increases in Germany, there is debate over the additional danger. Before the year 2000, Germany's forests became almost weaker in hundreds of years. Wolf was considered to be a risk to man and livestock as a risk.

After a #wolf couple moved to the jungle from Poland to #Germany in 2000, the arguments and requests of wildlife protection organizations started again in Germany on wolf protection projects. The wolf couples from Poland have been spread and now spread to various forests in Germany. Now there are about 60 teams of wolves in the jungle of Germany, and this number of #wolves is about 600.

In the #jungle of Germany, the wolf has plagued the reproduction of forests or pastoral shepherds. The wolf's team is often attacking livestock. In addition, residents of the forested villages are terrified by sending their children out to play. In this opportunity legitimate organisms are urging organizations to re-wolf hunting laws.

Beert Yesel, head of the Ministry of Nature's Security Ministry of Germany, said that at this time the wolf groups were spreading in the jungle of seven states of Germany. Since 2000, 140 wolves have been killed in road accidents, and 26 wolf has been killed by illegal hunters, since there is no reason to reduce the number of wolves, he said. Germany's World Wide Fund for Trafficking President Diana Patels opposed any new law regarding the wolf removal.

The issue of the rise of the #wolf in the jungle of Germany has now led to controversy in the political circles. Germany's Free Liberal team said to make new laws for the wolf's annihilation The team's agricultural expert said that it is not possible to protect the farmer's livestock from wiping wolf by building walls beside the jungle. He said the wolf has caused damage to many farmers.

Rita Tsarzasala's wolf of Social Democratic Party, the Ministry of Environmental Affairs, the ruling coalition government, refuses to accept that only farmers are being harmed. The leader of the environmental green party, Staffei Lem, has criticized the unwanted panic about the wolf, and said that the jungle is trying to build the sanctuary of the wolf. Germany's left party opposes the policy of the left wing and the wolf, saying that the law of killing and killing means that the wolf and skin made of wool and skin made of fashion for people.

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