New Governace.jpg

by Amir Fatir

What are now known as tribal and ceremonial governments are the surviving remnants of the original. natural governing systems of the world. Natural government was forcibly replaced by artificial governments which are the governing bodies in power today by force of arms.

A natural government does not need to maintain authority by intimidating the people with guns, police, prisons, tear gas and tanks. The government's dependence upon such terror tactics is proof positive that it's an artificially imposed oppressor upon the people, not a natural outgrowth of, by and for the people.

All the known governments of the world are artificial, unnatural and illegal oppressor regimes that are little more than organized crime syndicates established to steal the peoples' wealth and to enslave them and to imprison or kill them if they dare to protest.

If all "democracies" have the freedom to assemble, why do the assemblers get beaten, tear gassed and shot by the police nearly every time they peaceably assemble to march and protest?

All governments are a sham which don't deserve our submission. They haven’t lost the legitimacy to rule because the never had it.

Why do heads of state need mercenary protection from their own people? Imagine a father and mother who need police protection from their own children every time they go home.

Deep down the people know their "elected' officials" are selected overseers for a foreign subjugator, that they are puppets on strings controlled by evil entities who could care less about the people they exploit.

And that is why politicians dare not appear before the people without an army protecting them from the people. The people would rip them to shreds. So much for "representative democracy".

By contrast, the Queen of Hawaii is adored by her people. They see her as the product and embodiment of the very best of what is themselves. The ancient Kamau called their king "our crop".

The tribal governments around the world are the true governments that have been usurped by the artificial oppressor governments who serve criminal banksters.

The original governments featured kings of the people; the artificially imposed governments are distinguished by kings over certain lands or presidents over land and therefore some type of feudal ownership due to their living upon or passing through the land the artificial king/president/governor purports to rule.

The true queen and king well know that they cannot rule land because the land produces people, not vice versa. Such a thing would be as laughable as the notion than an infant owns the mother whose womb created it and whose breasts nourish it.

The usurpers successfully deployed propaganda to make "tribe" seem antiquated, backwards and primitive. Even some African leaders were duped into lambasting tribalism in favour of nationalism and internationalism. What they didn't know is that the tribes are the units that comprise internationalism. You cannot have a molecule without first having atoms. Put another way, tribes form the molecular chains that comprise international bodies and systems.

Many tribes believe they, or at least their royals, came from heaven. Their royalty, they believe, have special genes they call Dragon's Blood or Serpent Blood. We can take them at their word.
The Kahana gene that was believed to be the priestly Levitical gene of Israel has been scientifically proven to reside most powerfully in the blood of Africans.

The kingly possessors of the Dragon Blood were known as Kaahin, Chanes, Khan, Kaan, Cain, Kahuna, Canaan and similar names around the globe. "Kaan" means serpent.

There are positive and negative men and women of the Serpent Blood. Everyone has some. Some have a lot. Those with a lot were meant to help uplift, heal, educate and protect the masses. Those with the negative spin of Serpent Blood trick the people into serving them and even feed on the people, sometimes literally.

King Herod conducted a census to find out who had Dragon Blood aka the Blood of the Lamb so he could kill them as children. Oppressor regimes are collecting DNA samples of masse for the same reason.

The tribal royals must now network with one another, send ambassadors to one another's courts, and begin to take a more active role in the affairs of their people's lives. The precedent was set when the USA agreed to certain tribal courts among the Indigenous Tribes and the UK agreed to a limited use of Shariah (Arab tribal) law.

Tribes should issue their own digital-crypto currencies and, where possible, flow natural tribal customs and systems into the imposed governmental operations.

Tribal elders, Kings and lawyers should publish their ancient laws, honour their deities and revere their ancestors.

Many genocides like the inquisition were waged to eradicate the natural system by murdering its scientists, doctors, healers, priestesses, queens, princesses and royalty.

Websites and alternative media should publicize tribal royal weddings and births with as much fervour as the corporate media publicizes the negative artificial royalty's activities and goings on.

The tribal culture must be taught to the young and lived by the adults.

Natural healings by medicine men and women and Shamans must be honoured and taught so people will be liberated from the false propaganda against real healings sponsored by pharmaceutical cartels.

Tribal marriage customs must be redeemed. Tribal burial rites must replace the artificial fire cultures need to dump and burn their dead.

Communal economics must return in place of dog eat dog capitalism and robotic slave communism.
The oppressor's religions should be shunned unless you like being oppressed. Your tribal religion was more scientific and true.

The council of elders must be reconvened.

True psychics, seers and prophets as well as oracle centres must be respected and supported.
All prisoners and slaves must be set free. The punishment for serious crime is exile.


. Humanitarian aid should go directly to tribes, not to State regimes or hustling NGOs
. Via religious tax exemption, tribes should take on as many public services as they can.
. Tribes should seek and obtain non-state status at the United Nations.
. Tribes should ignore national borders---- drawn by colonizers-----that separate the tribe. For example, the Dagara Tribe that lives in three artificially bordered countries should ignore the borders that divide Dagara land.
. Tribal schools that are tribe-centric and teach what is true, not junta propaganda or subtle White, Arab or Jewish superiority, should be established and maintained.
. Hospitals that offer tribal medicine services should be opened.
. Inter-tribe diplomacy should be practiced. Tribes should exchange students.
. Tribes should promote tourism.
. Tribal trade and networking among tribes should be encouraged.
. Organic tribal foods should be promoted.
. Tribes should reclaim mineral rights and the wealth therefrom must be distributed equally to all members of the tribe.
. Tribal artefacts must be restored.
. Tribal spiritual systems should be studied anew.

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