Today (April 11th, 2018) is National Pet Day!

I was browsing through some of my old WordPress posts on Sunday, and discovered one called National Pet Day April 11 2017. I looked at the calendar, and realized that, for a change, I hadn't missed it yet!

To "celebrate" I thought I'd share a little bit about our two, four-legged family members.

Our cat Sid (short for Obsidian)

Sid 2013.jpg
Sid literally walked into our lives back in June, 2004. We were in the process of moving into a new apartment, and he meandered into the kitchen like he owned the place, sat down, looked up at us and said, "Ummm, food?"

He was so friendly and chill that I assumed he MUST belong to someone. I picked him up (which I discovered later, in cat language it means, "Yes, master, I will forever care for you, carry you around, and feed you because you are the master of this house." Ooops.). I'd already noticed a pair of cats in the window of the duplex next door - one black, one white - so I assumed he must belong there. The woman took one look at him and said, "Oh good - he finally found a family!"

Turns out, he was some relation to her cats (father or sibling, we could never figure out), and the family who had all the litters of cats previously lived in our place. When they left (apparently in a hurry), they abandoned him and some others. He was the only one who stayed around the neighborhood and by the time we arrived, he'd been on the streets for at least a year.

There's more to his story, but I'm already working on a post about him, so stay tuned! 😊

Our dog Sandy

Sandy is a Jack Chi (half Jack Russel terrier, and half Chihuahua, or so we've been told) rescue dog from Puerto Rico. He was adopted by a member of my family about five years ago, who told us he got his name because he was found on a beach. This particular family member ended up leaving him with another family member, who loved him dearly, but was unable to care for him.

To add some perspective, the first day we brought him home almost three years ago (although he'd been here before for many visits), it was because I got the message (paraphrasing, of course), "I'm in the hospital, and not sure how long I'll be here. Could you come get Sandy and take care of him until I get out?" A week later, I got a teary phone call, asking if we could keep him. I said we'd already been trying to figure out a gentle way of saying there was no way in hell we were bringing him back! 😂

Sandy and Sid

Sandy and Sid.jpg

Now they are the best of friends... well, at least until Sandy wakes up... LOL


Photo credit: Traci York, taken with my trusty Nikon
Blog graphics: created on Canva

1. separator graphic swirls and star, smaller.png

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