The Reichsbuerger Paradox

The Reichsbuerger

What many people do not know is that there is a growing amount of so called Reichsbuerger in Germany. These are citizens that question the legality of the current German State and believe that in reality the German Reich does still exist and holds the true legal authority over Germany. Numbers of the Reichsbuerger are still small so that they do not have any real impact, but they are growing quickly.

They back up their claims by a lot of rather technical legal talk and linguistic analysis of the german legal documents. Such as the rather strange name of the german identity card "Personalausweiss" which translates to employees card. In short they think that the current german state is not even a state but a company that was established by the victorious powers after the second world war to manage germany. And the germans are just the employees of that company. But as every human 'needs' a nationality and Germany is just a company, the only logical conclusion is that the German Reich still exists.


There are various people that have declared themselves Kaiser of the Reich and are issuing legal documents. Reichsbuerger are also known to give legal advice based on the old laws and drown german authorities in massive piles of paperwork, which then causes the cases to be delayed since the town does not have enough employees to work through all the requests.

Needless to say they also refuse to pay taxes, but most often only symbolically as that would otherwise get them into jail.

The Paradox

I do like the Reichsburger and find their movement rather interesting. Just like them I also do not recognise Germany, or any other state, as legitimate power.
What I cannot understand is why do they instead want to be subjects to the German Reich?

I think it is rooted in their narrative. They do not attack Germany based on a general lack of authority, but because they believe Germanys authority is not derived from a legally correct process. For example, they think that germans are just employees and do not hold the rights of real persons. And these rights could be grated by the German Reich instead.

But all of this does not matter. Germany is a system of control and the names they use are just a show. If I am an employee of Germany or a citizen of the German Reich, in any case I would not truly be free. I do not need a state to tell me that I am a person to be a person. I simply am a person independant of what anyone else thinks.
And the rights that I have are not derived from any legal entity, but are natural, inherited only from the fact of my existence.
I also do not need Germany or a German Reich to allow me to hold property.

In the end the Reichsbuger are still very much indoctrinated to think that rights can only be derived from a national state and some hundred year old documents have some magical powers.

But nations are nothing but stories, designed to create a mental cage that is then backed up by force commanded by the authority derived from the same story. There is nothing real that backs up a state. The moment the people would stop obeying their masters all that would remain are some control freaks with weapons that the majority would quickly disarm and exclude from their society, or worse.


But nations turn out to be one of the best methods to (mind-)control people. They are the biggest scam on this planet. Opposed to ordinary criminals that are despised by the majority, these criminals made it into the minds of their victims that openly love and support their masters.

And to make things worse, these criminals also fight each other over the resources on this world and have millions on each side that are willing to die for 'their' country.

This world is sometimes really a sad show. And in this show, the Reichsbuerger are a welcome amusement. People that question the right of their masters to rule them, just to invent an even crazier story about who would be allowed to rule them instead.
And on the other side there are the criminals that are shocked that people dare to question the integrity of the state and its symbols.


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