Who are we within the universe?

That is a question throughout history,
Scientific minds have been studing the cosmos, now more than ever. With technology that can see outside our solar system, beyond our galaxy. Here are a few. Just so mystifying. We as humans have to ask, we cannot be the only living beings.
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With all N.A.S.A. has acheived, the spectacular images from distances mankind would never be able to travel to. I know we are an intelligent race of humans, still I believe we are not alone. So many reports of Sitings, I myself have seen objects in the sky in phoenix arizona. Twice since 1989. Two other gentlemen eyewitnessed along with myself. It was at a convenience store. A guy pointed up and said look. Five-six Orbs in a row within 10-15 seconds the vanished.

What do you think or believe? I would enjoy hearing from you.

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