A solution key! The North and South Arctic Sea Ice Sea is strange

(Earlier in April 2018, the team discovered three strange ice shapes resembling an amoebas in the Arctic sea ice.)

(The research team named the photo "April 2018 Puzzler" and hosted a quiz game that attracted many netizens, including glaciologists and geographers. But so far no one has come up with an accurate answer.)

Earlier in April 2018, the research team discovered three strange ice caves resembling amoeba shapes on Arctic sea ice. Even NASA’s top experts could not Clearly what caused these ice caves.

Scientist John Sonntag said, "We have observed these irregular round ice caves for a few minutes today. I have never seen this phenomenon elsewhere."

Sontag is a scientist at NASA's Ice Bridge project. This research is now in its 10th year. Scientists take research aircraft flying over the Arctic and Antarctic to map land ice and sea ice in the area. On April 14 this year, scientists took a P-3 research airplane and flew over the eastern part of the Beaufort Sea, about 50 miles (about 80 kilometers) northwest of the Mackenzie Delta in Canada. Discovered ice caves that have never been seen before. They took this picture through the porthole of the plane.

Nathan Kurtz, an ice bridge project scientist, said, “I'm not sure what kind of power will lead to a semicircle around the ice cave. I have never seen a similar phenomenon before.”

Kutz added: "This is definitely a thin layer of ice. You see finger-like drifting near the hole and the color is gray, indicating that there is very little snow."

The Ice Bridge team solved NASA and other scientists to determine the cause of the circle.

There are some features in the photo that are easy to explain. The sea ice here is obviously a very young ice, formed in areas that used to be open water or sea ice cracks. "Ice can be thin, soft, and a bit flexible. This can be seen in wavy features." Dr. Don Perovich, a sea ice geophysicist at Dartmouth College, said, "New ice may generally have movements left and right. This can be demonstrated by the interdigitated drift on the right side."

However, these holes are hard to explain. Some experts believe that the seals are licking ice and breathing holes.

Walt Meier, a scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in the United States, said: "These rounds may be caused by water when the seals float to the surface, when water waves scour snow and ice, or when the holes form in the ice." This statement is obviously far-fetched. Seals are not only recently. How have you never had any breathing holes in the past?

The research team named the photo "April 2018 Puzzler" and hosted a quiz game that attracted many netizens, including glaciologists and geographers. However, no one has yet come up with an accurate answer.

◎ The decline of human morality can cause climate anomalies

(In 1974, scientists from the Helmholtz Center for Marine Research in Germany discovered through satellites that there was a huge ice cavern in the Weddell Sea in central Antarctica. Then after a few years it was bizarrely closed.)

(This automatic closure of the Antarctic ice cave for 40 years will reappear in 2017. The researchers pointed out that most ice lakes are usually formed near the coast, but the Weddell Sea Ice Lake is a few hundred kilometers away from the coast. It is very strange.)

In fact, in 1974, scientists from the Helmholtz Center for Marine Research in Germany found a huge mysterious ice cavern in the Weddell Sea in the middle of Antarctica through satellites in winter, which is equivalent to the size of the Netherlands. After a few years, this mysterious ice cave was automatically shut down. In 2017, this ice cave, which has been closed for 40 years, is reappeared.

Why did scientists and academicians come up with the correct answer again? No. none.

Kent Moore, professor of oceanography at the University of Toronto, Canada, said: The looming ice cave in Antarctica looks like you just made a hole in the ice. The appearance of ice caves is common at the edge of the Antarctic glacier, but it is extremely rare in the middle of the ice sheet. We are now working hard to study the frequency of this large hole and the impact of climate change on it.

In February 2017, there was a rare high temperature of 17.5°C. Scientists believe that the melting of Antarctic glaciers is a result of climate warming, indicating that Antarctica is also out of the global greenhouse effect. But scientists never knew that the degeneration of human morality could cause climate anomalies. The ancient Chinese historical story Douyi (also known as June Snow) is the most typical example.

This is a true story that took place in the Yuan Dynasty. Due to the social shocks at that time, it was loaded into the “Lao Biography” as serious as “Historical Records”. Dou Biao vowed three to the prison officials before she was sentenced: (1) If he is in charge, then "The knife is at the end of his life, and he is left in the ground with a half-hearted blood and rests in the ground. He flies to Bai Lian;" (2) If you are a member of a family, then "after death, the heavens drop three feet of Rui Xue, and cover up the corpse of Dou Tung." (3) If you are married, "From now on, you will have three years as early as this Chuzhou." At that time, Dou Tao's oath. All have been achieved: blood spray day, June snow, Chu drought three years. This shows that Dou Suo was desecrated and the climate changed. But what makes atheistic scientists have no analysis of the situation.

According to reports, the team of meteorologist Torge Martin, through the combination of ocean circulation and climate change, conducted a scientific simulation analysis and concluded that all this was found to be caused by changes in the atmosphere of the Southern Ocean. . The formation of ice caverns is like opening a pressure relief valve. In several consecutive winters, the ocean releases heat into the atmosphere through the ice. When the heat source is exhausted, close it again.

The report also said that the frequency of the ice cave in the Antarctic Weddell Sea, and how long it will reopen, is still under study. The more scientists understand these natural processes, the better they will be able to recognize how much impact the changes in the climate system will have on humans.

Atheist scientists think that everything that happens is a natural process. How can it be a natural process? There are reasons.

◎ Antarctic sky opened a big hole

(The hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctic reached the largest area in 2000, about the same as India's land area.)

(Changes in the ozone layer from 1979 to 2014: From scratch, to gradually shrinking.)

Scientists believe that the ozone layer can block ultraviolet radiation from the sun. If there is no protection of the ozone layer, people suffer from cataract and skin cancer.

However, the scientists discovered that after the hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctic reached the maximum area in 2000, it began to stabilize and close. By 2017, the hole in the Antarctic ozone layer was reduced by about 4 million square kilometers compared with 2000, which is about the same as the land area of ​​India. .

In 1985, scientists discovered that there was a hole in the atmospheric ozone layer over the Antarctic. British scientists discovered for the first time that the stratospheric thickening in the Antarctic sky was about 10 kilometers. In 1986, Susan Solomon, an American scientist, said she discovered that the ozone layer was damaged because of the presence of particles containing chlorine and bromine.

In 1987, countries signed the Montreal Protocol and completely banned CFCs. Afterwards, the hole in the ozone layer has grown even more every year. After 15 years, in 2010, the area of ​​the Antarctic ozone hole was 28 million square kilometers, which is approximately 4 Australian areas. In October 2015, the hole in the ozone layer was as high as 28.20 million square kilometers, leaving scientists unable to help.

However, in January 2017, scientists discovered that the hole in the ozone layer was shrinking by 20% at a steady rate, and became 20 million square kilometers. How is this going?

◎ An unleashing master key

We are fortunate to learn that the hole in the Antarctic heaven is God's security for human beings. God sees that industrialization has made the air of humans contaminated. In order to protect humanity, we open a big hole in sparsely populated areas, release those harmful substances, and close them again.

The atheist scientist stood on the point of view of human beings and thought that the hole in the ozone layer of Antarctica was a bad thing. The hole was gradually reduced, and it was thought that it was the result of human efforts. Actually not. People cannot do anything. It is God who protects humanity in silence.

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