NASA Needs Help With The Pooping In Space Problem They Didn't Have 50 Years Ago


     I believe NASA is a money laundering scheme. In 2017, CEO of The United States Of America Corp. Donald Trump proposed a budget of $19.1 BILLION. "Billion" with a "B." How many of our problems do you think this money would solve here on Earth for the homeless, the destitute, the unemployed, the sick and infirm, the down-and-out, the victims of Obamacare? Quite a lot, I imagine. This is direct evidence that the U.S. "Government" is not concerned with taking care of its people, so it is absolutely necessary for you to be able to take care of yourself, and/or find and/or create communities that care for each other.  We must all learn to be self-sufficient, because your government does not care about you any more than it cares about the foreigners they murder every day in their endless "wars" that are merely excuses for destabilizing other countries and expanding the terror state of Israel. I digress, which isn't hard to do when engaged with this topic....

     What we do know is that NASA does not need this money for traveling to other planets because they can't do it, and they never have been able to do it. At no time in history has such a well-funded program actually regressed in technological abilities as NASA has. You can find scientists of today talking about how we can't get through the Van Allen Radiation Belts to get to the moon, but how hopeful they are that some day they will be able to figure it out. Gee, aren't some of those Apollo astronauts still around? Maybe ask them how they did it! And as seen in my video at the bottom of this post, despite the fact that (we are told) astronauts did in fact go to the moon on missions that took many days, during which time they were eating and pooping with regularity, we now have no clue how to fix the "pooping in space" problem. Hmmm....

     One small step for mankind, one giant leap backwards for humanity?

     The question that comes to my mind is: Who's buying their bulls*t? They put it out there for all to see. These topics are on videos and articles made public for the world, so why is there not a single sheep standing up and saying, "How come, uhh, you coulda done it, uhh, back in 60-whatever, but ya can't do it now?"

     Sorry, I don't mean to make fun of the sheep. After all, we were all sheep. And I'm sure there are plenty of people asking the right questions. But why is nothing coming of it? Why isn't the government and NASA being held responsible for their lies? And what does NASA do with $19.1 BILLION? (That's "Billion" with a "B" in case you forgot.) Black budget money! This might be what they use to build their deep underground bunkers for when they let the nukes fly or an asteroid comes hurtling toward us. It's where they can protect all the pedophiles, thieves, mass-murderers, torturers, rapists, and worthless scumbags of this world. And their victims, of course. They'll need victims down there. Children to rape. Adults to enslave. They use this money for their evil agendas, like spraying chemtrails in the air and poisoning this entire planet. Oh, sorry, no, those aren't contrails. You better catch up with us. Contrails disappear. Chemtrails do not. Chemtrails expand and stretch across the sky after showing up in criss-cross patterns in areas where flight paths for commercial airliners are absent. Chemtrails blot out the sky. They are poisonous and contain harmful metals that you and your children breathe in every day. Chemtrails are the government poisoning this planet and murdering humans EVERY DAY.

     Don't forget where this $19.1 BILLION is coming from. Two places: 1) they print their fiat currency backed by nothing off their printing presses (it really is that simple). And 2) from you. Your tax dollars. Your "registration" fees. Your countless other fees and hidden taxes in everything you subscribe to and pay for. YOU are paying for chemtrails. YOU are paying for NASA. YOU are paying illegal income taxes that is nothing short of government extortion. And YOU have the right not to pay any of it, if you should choose to stand up and stop funding terrorism.

     They say every penny of our income tax goes to the debt incurred from every dollar printed that the government BORROWS from the PRIVATE BANK known as the Federal Reserve. The government is supposed to be by and FOR the People--YOU--and it has the right to print its own money, thereby abolishing any further increase in our debt (to the private bank Federal Reserve). It's in our Constitution. WHY they do not do this is a much bigger topic. JFK tried to print his own money, and did so for a short while, before the real rulers murdered him. (Sorry, but Oswald was a patsy.)

      We've gone astray from the point of this post, but that's to be expected when you discuss one of the greatest frauds perpetuated on Americans, and the world in general. Everything ties in together, but don't despair: You are more powerful than you realize, and the enslavers can only enslave the willing, and they can only pay for their nefarious undertakings if YOU keep paying. So...

     When will you stop consenting? When will stop funding mass murder? When will you stop paying?

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