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Your private information will not be safe at Narconon. Not only did I have a terrible experience, I worry about who has my records there.

I have a Scientology record, which I have read. It was just sitting on a desk. A woman, the Administrator, Wendy furious I had read my own file. Ultimately these records are full of mistakes the 'students' have made, like drugs, bad thoughts, unclear communication, problems they have had with the law or their families, and previous job failures. The Scientologist employee or 'teacher' as they are called, has control over the 'student' if the 'teacher' decides they want to blackmail, tease (they call it bull-baiting), extort, or otherwise control the 'student' because they have a file of dirt on on them.

I was only involved in Scientology for 2 weeks. I had no intention of staying in the remote location to do their stupid drills, which involved screaming at ashtrays and worse. The remote location in the desert forces most people to stay. Reading my file was the first clue I was not in a place of learning, healing, or even safety. I was in the bowels of a front group for Scientology. I risked death trying to cross the Mohave Desert and was able to escape, finally. It took two tries. I could tell leaving the compound, those people wanted me to die in the desert, so I couldn't tell my story. The place is run by lying felons with no formal training besides what they have read from L Ron Hubbard. No medical staff, zero concern for my health or safety.

I saw (but didn't pick up and read like my own file) other files they were lengthy, four or more inches thick. The 'students' there filled out pages from a workbook they were sold. Page upon page of mistakes and guilt and problems with others, written out by hand as answers to bizarre questions posed by Mr. Hubbard, in these giant, ridiculously expensive books, with usually one sentence per page and a drawing on the adjacent side of people talking, with clouds above their heads with words in them like a giant stupid cartoon. The attached image is an actual page in one of their workbooks.

So there are pages and pages of handwritten things in a Scientology file that tells the organization many things about that person. The file was simply a pile of mistakes and a record of communication drills that start off funny and interesting, but then take a sinister and disturbing turn. A few weeks in a hot sauna for the entire day occur in the middle of the training. I didn't see any records in the sauna. I left before that part of the 'process'.

The sauna is designed to break the person down. The training drills they do for two weeks build the confidence the "student" has in themselves to succeed in this new way of thinking. You pass the first books in the course by badgering another student, called "your twin", who also was forced to attempt to push your buttons. My grandma paid for the place because she always thought I should be a teacher. She likely still has no idea what I was involved in and views me as someone who simply failed to graduate from the Scientology study program, also called Narconon Fresh Start.

I saw these poorly mannered criminals leave the records everywhere, constantly transferring them around the compound. These were unsecured documents of burden and vexation. I was wasn't going to add to my file or read other's writings for six months.

I especially wasn't going to try and convince new 'students' that this was a good use of time and not a scam that traps 'students' in guilt.

Who has access to my Scientology file? I have no idea. My grandma paid $38,000 for me to be there for two weeks. A complete waste of money!

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