On catnaps and clutter


Catching a cat nap with my furkids.

The past couple of days I've been keeping busy with various random things. Sorting through cupboards and making keep or throw away piles. Starting to declutter. Why on earth do I still have the full size Canadian flag that I inherited when a friend moved away?
If its not helping you, let it go.

Also: IMG_3566.JPG

This used to be an oil painting of mine. I really really hated it. I did it for a school project about 14 years ago and it was time for it to die. Yesterday I took it out of its frame and sanded off the raised brush marks, then I covered it with Burnt Sienna and Paynes Grey. @moderndragon now has a canvass ready to go fo a new dragon painting with a frame.

Don't hold on to things. If the memory around an object causes you pain or makes you cringe, then deal with the memory and either gift the item, repurpose it or incinerate it in a ball of fire.

In other news, Teddy is still doing fine and hasn't had a spasm in his leg again as far as I can tell. He is starting to freeze up a bit again but the magnet pad is helping a lot. He will go for his next acupuncture session in about 2 weeks time.

How is everyone? It seems so quiet here lately.

Hope you have a good day!

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