200k Words for NANOWRIMO This year! Whoot!!!

I may not have accomplished a whole lot this month, other than basic household stuff and cooking... but I hit TWICE my goal for nanowrimo!



I finished two more books this month and added to two others.

I completed TWICE what my goal was for the month and ended at 200k.

This month I started and finished:

❄️Cozy Paranormal Romance about a Shifter... except he's not a cool shifter, he turns into a freaking housecat. This is a story that definitely doesn't take itself too seriously!

❄️Second Romance in a series. It follows my book Merry's Christmas Miracle

❄️A full-length erotica novel

PLUS: Finished another full-length erotica novel that I had already started last month
Added a bunch of words to my fantasy series (that I may or may not release as episodes for a while)


What Works for Me

❄️Sprints. I set the timer for 20-30 minutes and just type. I write between 3k-4k an hour, depending on which genre I'm writing in, how strong the 'mojo' is that day.
❄️10k a Day challenge group. I never would have made it without this group. It just helped push me over the edge on days when I didn't want to write.
❄️NaNoWriMo tracking charts. I became a little obsessive about that little line on the chart, especially after being so inconsistent for the first half of the month! I want to find some charting/graphing sites or something because that visual worked SO Much better for me than just my spreadsheets.


Obviously I was sitting and typing a LOT this month (none of this was dictation since I haven't tried that yet.) I was having a lot of shoulder/wrist pain for a while, so I started adding in a few minutes of stretching between EVERY 20-minute sprint.

That helped tremendously, BUT the thing that changed it all was using the fasciablaster on my arms, shoulders, chest, and back. HOLY BEANS. That was literally my saving grace. It made me feel like new again!


Now it's onto December which will be writing a few reader magnets to build new lists for my new genres, editing, creating covers and studying ads. My drafts are fairly clean, but I will need to run them through Grammarly before having another editor look them over for other plot-centric things.

I really want to release at least a book a month in 2020, but only once I have a budget for ads!


I can NOT thank @mariannewest enough for the lifechanging freewrite group. Her encouragement and daily prompts literally changed everything for me. The weekend freewrites helped me to step up my game and forced my brain to write without constantly worrying about what would happen next. It was a game changer for me.

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