Nanomancer creative writing competition / 300 Steem total reward


The story so far....


Nanomancer character outline

Nanomancer is a humanoid being from an ancient, technologically advanced civilisation. Their species, known as the Hythsen Marr, were extremely long lived and completely dominated their region of space, subjugating to one extent or another, all other intelligent species. With total dominion came emptiness and boredom. Factions within their society began to fracture and make war upon each other, committing unspeakable atrocities by exploiting their technological knowledge.

The Nanomancer was particularly gifted with nano technologies, particularly nanorobotics. Whilst experimenting, he discovered the means of making stable gateways in space time. He began to open gateways and search other worlds for a new place to live, having decided to wipe out the rest of his species and anything caught in between. The prospect of taking his knowledge and finding a new realm to dominate, without the incessant distractions and potential threat posed by his peers, greatly appealed to him.

Once he discovered an appropriate world, he unleashed a plague of nano robots that would turn any organic material to elemental dust. He set free his doom and without a backward glance, stepped through to his new world, the gateway closing behind him.

The new world was unusual in that a pervasive energy field, never before encountered by the Hythsen Marr, enabled matter to be manipulated with thought. He immediately began exploring the possibilities that afforded him. Able to control his nano robots with his mind made them vastly more effective and versatile and he immediately began influencing and exploiting the indigenous population.

Ironically, the energy field that give his own knowledge more potency, gave the inhabitants unexpected resilience and even after 1000 years, total dominion was frustratingly far from complete. He contented himself with the knowledge that his mark on the world was very apparent and despite being thwarted on several occasions, at least he could indulge his diabolical pursuit of knowledge. It was the inhabitants that had named him Nanomancer. It was a name that filled even the strongest with dread.

World Outline

Before the Nanomancer arrived, Gethyra was a vast world of blue skies, blue seas, green and red forests, vast mountain ranges and inhabited by Giants, Elves, Goblins, Trolls, Dwarves, Humanoids, Dragons and many others. The planets inhabitants, over generations had largely formed a peaceful balance, the Dwarves most likely to cause trouble and instigate disharmony. All the inhabitants utilised the energy field in different ways to enhance themselves, the environment, their technologies and their culture.

After 1000 years of war with the Nanomancer, things had changed. The world had been scarred by energy and matter manipulations (or magic,) nano robots and war. The weather was more extreme, the skies and seas altered, darker. The worst effect was arguably what had happened to the inhabitants. To one degree or another, they had been forced to learn some of the Nanomancer's technologies. Not a single species had not begun a process of technological revolution and begun to merge with those technologies. They had become cyborgs. Hardening themselves mentally and physically during the long endless war with their implacable foe.

The Dwarves

The Dwarves on Gethyra were the least intelligent of the races as a result of being the closest to the elemental forces that governed the Jeyydheran system. They spent most of their time underground in their rough-hewn caverns and tunnels. They constantly fought amongst each other over the bright objects that they mined from the deep earth. They had absolutely no interest in wealth, but would gaze deeply into the heart of a sapphire for days.

They were extremely resilient to fire and their particular affinity with the energy field enabled them to mold even the hardest rock with their mind....though it was taxing and depending on the size and durability of the piece, required the efforts of several together. They would connect to each other through a deep, rumbling song. All their weapons, their great axes, maces and hammers were forged in such a manner.

The Dwarves were immensely strong, some rivaling even the smaller giants. In battle, they could call forth the Gundenbroc. Whereby they could connect with the rock in the soil and become completely immovable.

They were the first race to be targeted by the Nanomancer when he arrived on Gethyra. They were the least sophisticated and therefore more easily manipulated. Over centuries, the Nanomancer altered them, awakening and feeding the darker sides to their nature, horribly warping them mentally and physically (with grotesque cybernetic meldings.) Not all were captured and so influenced, but those that were became very dark creatures, formidable weapons over which he exerts complete control.

NEW ADDITION - The Goblins

There were two kinds of Goblin, one was between two and four feet in height, the other between six and eight feet. At birth, the babies all came out the same, it was only as they developed that they would differentiate. To the Goblins, it made no difference what physical attributes one of their race (or any other race) happened to have. Respect was earned. The smaller Goblins came in a variety of shapes, some fat, some thin. The larger Goblins tended to be uniformly lithe, yet muscular. All had skin colours that matched their natural environment.....browns, greens and greys. They were very, very fast and had long fine hair.

Before the arrival of the Nanomancer, the Goblins kept largely to themselves. They generally preferred to spend their time wandering and studying within their stunningly beautiful mountain range. The Mountains of the Sky were envied by all the races for their incredibly majestic and natural beauty. Towering spires, open chambers, deep ravines, soaring bridges, crystal blue and green lakes, ancient forests....all blended expertly together. The Goblin's dwellings masterfully complemented their surroundings.

Long ago, the Dwarves and Elves had allied against the Goblins, to make war upon them for their homeland. Despite their greater numbers, the Goblins, with their superior intellect and fearlessness, repulsed and defeated the invaders.

Since the Nanomancer and forced the races to accept that there was no advantage to be gained over each other and that they would either stand or fall together, animosity between them had largely disappeared. The Goblins were fiercely loyal and now that the other races were their allies, a bond had been forged that could never be broken.

The Goblins had been first to steal, experiment with, understand and adopt the technology of the Nanomancer. Though his mastery of nano technology continued to elude them. With their affinity for influencing inert matter, precision and logic, they began to build computers and networks....then rapidly moved onto enhancing themselves and their allies. Not a single adult Goblin was without a cybernetic enhancement today. Without their technology, the war would have been lost long ago.

Competition Rules

Please write a short story about the Nanomancer, The world of Gethyra, one of the races already mentioned or something that blends them together. Please ensure it is at least consistent with the principal elements of the story so far. It can be a story of the past or present. Mostly I leave it up to you!!

If you choose to enter the competition, please put your written entry into a new post with...

Nanomancer creative writing competition entry the post heading and nanomancer creative-writing as tags.

The short story should be between 200 and 500 words. I won't be counting just gives you an idea of the length. Quality over quantity! :)

I will decide the winner, though I will consider community feedback.

The competition will run until approximately the same time next week.....get your entry in by the end of the 15th UK time.

The winner will receive 150 Steem.

Three places will receive 50 Steem each.

Once you've posted your entry, please add a short comment in this post with the link to your entry post.

This project is about working together to create a world by building a body of work that anyone can build upon which will hopefully inspire and entertain us all.

Good luck.


Happy Steeming

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