Nanomancer art competition - building a legend on Steem / Results



Thank you everyone who took the time to enter the Nanomancer art competition. Your efforts have brought to life not only the Nanomancer character, but the story I hope we will continue to tell together.

After much deliberation, I've chosen a winner and the two runner ups. It really was a difficult choice because the artwork was absolutely fantastic. Each of you made the effort to think about the character and combine ancient alien heritage and form with hints of advanced technology and other capabilities. In the end, @artwatch, I believe, just had the edge and in fact inspired the most dread within me.

I'm very glad I increased the reward pool because all your efforts deserve a reward. In fact, all competition entries will receive a share of the SBD generated from this post.

1st Place - @artwatch


Joint 2nd Place - @inber


Joint 2nd Place - @steempowerpics


Addition to the story - The Dwarves

The Dwarves on Gethyra were the least intelligent of the races as a result of being the closest to the elemental forces that governed the Jeyydheran system. They spent most of their time underground in their rough-hewn caverns and tunnels. They constantly fought amongst each other over the bright objects that they mined from the deep earth. They had absolutely no interest in wealth, but would gaze deeply into the heart of a sapphire for days.

They were extremely resilient to fire and their particular affinity with the energy field enabled them to mold even the hardest rock with their mind....though it was taxing and depending on the size and durability of the piece, required the efforts of several together. They would connect to each other through a deep, rumbling song. All their weapons, their great axes, maces and hammers were forged in such a manner.

The Dwarves were immensely strong, some rivaling even the smaller giants. In battle, they could call forth the Gundenbroc. Whereby they could connect with the rock in the soil and become completely immovable.

They were the first race to be targeted by the Nanomancer when he arrived on Gethyra. They were the least sophisticated and therefore more easily manipulated. Over centuries, the Nanomancer altered them, awakening and feeding the darker sides to their nature, horribly warping them mentally and physically (with grotesque cybernetic meldings.) Not all were captured and so influenced, but those that were became very dark creatures, formidable weapons over which he exerts complete control.

I hope you will join me in further enhancing the world of Gethyra and the characters therein. For anyone new, here are two previous posts to catch up on;

Next Steps

Soon I will run a new creative writing competition for a short story involving the Nanomancer which will include the image by @artwatch. More details to follow. Keep an eye out! (You will be able to add artwork to the short story if you fact a comic story will be equally admissible.

I hope eventually that we can link all the art and writing into one cohesive body of work, perhaps when communities are possible within Steemit or an alternative Steem based application.


Happy Steeming

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