The Nevermind! The Ultimate Bad Guy of Reality & Existence! Master of The Nothing... Ruler of the Empty, The IT Exposed!

Have you ever heard of the Overmind? The singularity consciousness that wants all consciousness to be absorbed into one unity consciousness...

The Overmind is the It from A Wrinkle In Time (Read the book)

The Overmind is an agent of the Nevermind.

Just as G'mork is an agent of the Manipulators in The Never Ending Story.

Read the book of The Never Ending Story, as they don't mention the Manipulators in the movie... (Mandela Effect?)

The Overmind was explained rather well in the book Childhood's End (READ IT)

Something like the Borg would be an unwitting cell of the Overmind.

Once the Overmind absorbed all minds it would then return to the Nevermind in the Empty where it would become The Nothing and the Nevermind could sleep once more.

The universe can either exist or not exist. The Nothing can't be nothing without the existence of something and vice versa...

Hence the Yin Yang symbol... Nothing within something and something within nothing, both coexisting in their own duality.

I don''t think this Nevermind/Nothing/Overmind is something to ignore or take lightly...

Dormamu is another great example of an agent of this Nevermind. As he absorbs people and whole worlds into his unity.

He is also from the Dark Dimension, a great reference for the other side of existence, the non-existence.

There are currently agents of this singularity on Earth right now that are trying to usher in this process regardless of what it actually is...

I will be covering this group of so called Humans in depth over the next few months... They think it's all a big game, seriously!

They do not understand what they are helping and that they are actually unwitting agents of this singularity.

They think it is a good thing to just unleash a singularity upon the world. That somehow, changing this world in this manner is a good thing, again, somehow.

We for sure came from a source consciousness imo, but it is a major trick to think that we are a part of a collective consciousness or that we need to or should return to a unity consciousness. Don't fall for that trick... People that think that are misguided at the least.

Our consciousnesses are connected maybe, but not collective...

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