Synchronized Existence, The Quantum Digital Duality!!! Digital Coherence Between Reality & The Future's Ancestor Simulation! How Reality Went Digital...

What if your real physical life & your future simulated digital life were merged so seamlessly that you and reality itself couldn't distinguish between the two...

Imagine for a moment that the human race sticks around for a while and that technology reaches that scifi pinnacle someday...

It is a given that we will then one day build an ancestor simulator.

Imagine a simulation system that could ultimately simulate every combination of possibilities until it found matching simulations that corresponded to existing DNA. You would know you found actual ancestors using such a method...

Now imagine that they combine this Animus with entangled time technology... Basically they link the Ancestor Simulation with the actual person(s) that is being simulated via some type of astral/soul link using the entangled time process. Think like the Neural net that people in the Matrix were suppose to be instead of the batteries they portrayed in the movies...

If they only accessed/utilized your mind while you were asleep it would have minimal to no consequences on the timeline, and furthermore, time doesn't change the way "back to the future" depicts it... It is more like how it is shown in Dragon Ball where reality splits into separate realities, but with the difference being that they merge back together later... It doesn't stay split.

Such a process using Entangled Time would allow the ancestor simulation to reuse a repeated night of sleep work as well, such as in the movie Groundhog's Day or 12:01 but without the torture :)

So what I am proposing as a theory, just to ponder, is that maybe, just maybe that is what all this wackyness is... (Mandela Effects, simulation theory, weather, politics, etc)

Maybe the ancestor simulation in the future becomes so good that reality and the simulation basically merge...

There would be almost no way of knowing where your real life ended and where your digital one began... These 2 lives could even be happening congruently and you wouldn't know when it was which... digital or analog...

It would also allow for a backup system... cough cough... If anything ever happened... Maybe this is Earth Reboot.... Stupid CERN....

But in all honesty, I think we would be foolish to not entertain the notion that something along this level could already be happening... or at least could happen...

I propose this as an alternative to the theories of this world being a simulation within an alien computer... That means we are in a prison...I don't think it is a prison. Not for everyone at least hahaha :)

I feel like our world was literally digitized a while back... Not just digital tech emerging, but reality itself functions on a somewhat digital level now with quantum stuff which doesn't seem like the way it use to be. It feels like something is playing games with things... An ancestor simulation would actually make sense of almost everything.... Like literally, everything... religion, existence, technology spurts, moore's law, fermi paradox, etc... list goes on...

A proper ancestor simulation technically could embed the very fabric of reality into reality that caused reality to emerge in the first place... ie, Possibly Divine Foundation... I dunno... :P

I could go on about this for a while... As I think the world is very real, but I think it is being tampered with for sure... 100%

This would be a viable answer.

Here's an older post about this topic:

There are more buried in my feed if you wanna dig em up :)

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