I Came Across A Group Of Hostile Demons On Youtube Last Night! - Beware of "Conspiracy Factualist" and company!

So, I was rather bored last night and I was listening to this "so called" religious channel that was discussing the Mandela Effect.

I decided to chime in at one point and within a minute the moderator was yelling at me and threatening me claiming that I somehow hacked the youtube chat of his youtube channel and he said I had promoted myself to mod with a wrench and crown...

At first I was so confused but I then realized what he was talking about. Even though I had no control of the situation or what he was claiming. And I didn't see what he was seeing on my side... no crowns or wrenches. but I have seen youtube glitch out like that on other channels and give random people a wrench for a moment, so...

This guy is either
A.) pure evil and is a demon or possessed, sent to fuck with me.
B.) Under attack himself and confused (maybe one of his mods were messing with him)
C.) The guy is an absolute crazy person with a very short temper and a good helping of paranoia.

Anyways, Go ahead and listen to the stream. (@ 2:45:00)

started at about 2 hour and 45 minutes in... At first he was talking to me and then he went straight into threatening me mode...

maybe another demon interjected so that I couldn't tell them about the duality... lol

Either way though.. Fuck this guy!

I tried to call him and messaged him as I felt that some confusion had happened and he still persisted that I was hacking his youtube channel!

now I remember why I stay away from the religious fanatics.... Even though what they say is based in truth usually. They are often paranoid and delusional and willing to claim anyone other than them is evil and working on Satan's behalf...

These people are dangerous scum!

He's asking for money and support and shit too...

For what??? Are they actually trying to do something to stop what they are babbling about??? NO!

I don't say this often, but there are "fake people" in this world... I don't say that lightly ever. Like NPCs in a video game in a way... But I dare say this guy is one of the fakes... Masquerading as a person of God and of the light... when in fact he stinks of sulphur and is black as coal inside!

I can't speak for everyone in that channel but something is clearly up with the main guy that runs this shitty channel...

They acted like I should be scared that they knew who I was in real life...

I don't hide my identity :)

Got nothing to hide and I'm not afraid of nobody or the Nothing!

I saved an mp3 of this fucker yelling at me too for when he deletes the video...

At first I was open to the idea that he was just confused and maybe a demon was messing with both of us so that we wouldn't communicate. But that is not the case. This is an evil man after free money trying to use religion as a vehicle to get his money...


I run across people like this from time to time, but this guy was one of the most obvious!

This is the type of person that will one day possibly succeed at stopping the Quantum Firewall that we NEED.

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