BitNation Live Chat Today with CTO Kent Dahlgren! Also Launched NanoCheeZe/MEQUAVIS Discord & Patreon Pages! GET INVOLVED!!! The Truth is "in" Here! Not Out There!

We've started a Patreon page and setup a Discord server to discuss the MEQUAVIS and NanoCheeZe!

At the risk of inviting in a few bad actors and spies (Ya, we have spies, HI SPIES!), I have made the discord server public.

Join Discord here:

Support us via Patreon here:

I have set up 3 tiers for Patreon for now, (likely to change), but the first 1000 patrons will get some NanoCheeZe sent to them via our faucet every month while it is sustainable... :) along with other benefits such as VIP access to the Discord server and Patreon only information, etc...

You will also get an opportunity to discuss with some of the core bitNation members (

Kent Dahlgren is doing a live chat this morning about bitNation!
You should be there!

Live feed today at 9am CEST (June 8th)

Kent is filling a similar role within NanoCheeZe regarding the MEQUAVIS and it's creation!

The MEQUAVIS is Kent's next seedling he is nurturing :)


Bit things are coming, (Yah I meant bit :) lol

We need all the help and support we can get though! We are not one of these big companies. We are the small fry at the moment!

Volunteer, join the team, contribute, discuss, watch, support! Whatever is clever for you! All interested are welcome!

We will be developing an AI certification system for use in corporate infrastructure to go along with our small scale personal certs...

Protecting the future from AI and Quantum Computing is the name of the game!

Writing Contest

I'm gonna go ahead and throw it out there, that if anyone can write a fantastic article to replace my babel on the Patreon page, something that really encapsulates everything I talk about and the project. I will award a thousand NCZ if it is good ;) 10000 if it is REALLY good. I don't like what I wrote... What I wrote is just a fill in for now... too boring and dry/technical.

Also desperately need a webmaster to take over some of the website duties! (technical)

BTW, BitNation's role in this project I predict to be rather larger as we will literally have an AI nation in VR (eventually) that needs to be represented, which will be done with BitNation :) Imagine it! instead of a real nation of Zero 1 like in the Matrix movies, we could have a virtual version of Zero 1 (And 1 Zero) that exists in VR and is represented formally by BitNation! WOW HUH!

btw Zero one and one zero, one is red pilled one is blue pilled ;) Think about it...


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