Naive power of words

Is it called steemit because it allows you to release steam when writing, but steam is already a gaming site so you release steem instead? I like to think of my self as a dreamer and dreamers like Elon Musk and Bill Gates (though I hate Windows) inspire me. When I hear them talk I can see they have a vision and that there is something deep in their hearts that wants to make the world a better place. Being not as rich or powerful as them is just a sorry excuse to not try to make a change in the world.

Many of my friends have very different political opinions than me (especially many of them from China), and when I tell them about issues from the country that I am not OK with there are usually lots of arguments back and forth and unwillingness to understand from both sides. I feel not OK with many of the things the Chinese government does and for that I was called naive and I caught my self ruminating about this word. Ruminate about possible responses I could have given. How dare a little person like me criticize the big government when it has given them an economic miracle and raised it to be a super power nation...

Maybe it is a cultural difference but I do not trust any government, and being quiet about it just allows governments to continue. Any government chould (could and should) do a better job and we the citizens point it out to them. Take east Germany as an example. Internationally Germany was seen to be some kind of love story of the east and west separated and they reunited and happily ever after, ignoring all the things that happened in east Germany afterwards as barely any tourists don't go to the sparkling west and capital of Germany while areas like Saxony and neither do any politicians talk with the people. Left and right eastern businesses disappeared as they either could not handle the sudden change from protective to free market or they were taken over from the favored western businesses. University degrees from the East were not accepted or people currently studying during the reunification had to either stop their degree or study midway something else. Schools, bus lines and rail way lines got shut down and you had to pay 5€ extra fees to get any internet at all. People drove hours every day for a job that was paid less because they were east German or did not even hire them because of us being like Hispanics in the USA. The retirement pension was often half that of a person doing the same thing in the west. This gave the opportunity for many right and left parties and as a result AFD and Left party grew and for a long time we were considered to be Germany's problem child. People were not racist, but unrepresented and would have voted any other option other the same old option. People felt like "How could Refugees integrate when we the east Germans are not even integrated" or "these poor souls they have been escaping the war just like we have had". Unlike what we see in America Left and Right Germans can have beers together and talk about politics having very similar opinions coming from 2 very opposite sides. This loss of power is finally affecting the government now and they realize they fucked up, and they will make existing easier for us (I hope), or this will make Germany go down the drain. At least the news is announcing some plans from the government to finally make living in the east possible. Technically the Government justified 7% of the taxes for rebuilding the East but Saxony didn't see it. But change is near so tell me again that voicing out opinions protesting and showing them that we want change does not make a change and I should be quiet. Of course Germany being a democracy makes it much more easier to voice out opinions for change but am I wrong for trying?
...when choosing words powerful enough...

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