
Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Evidence of things not yet seen.

Faith means it is not there yet, but you live and work as if it was there. Faith is different from believing and hope. Faith requires a proportionate action. 

We do a lot of proclaiming faith, but our actions belie our words. Faith is a state of mind that can become permanent only by actions. Napoleon Hill.

Acceptance of anything that is unfavourable or negative is an open confession of the lack of faith. Anonymous. 

Faith is a thing of the mind, backed by equivalent action. It is true that whatever we continually think about in our minds usually come to pass, and that is because the more we hold it in our minds, the clearer it becomes and the easier we find ways that will bring it to reality. 

Faith is a strong belief that what we hope for will come to pass, thereby, we work as if it has been actualized. 

The opposite of faith is fear. While faith is saying, it can be done, fear will tell you a million reasons why it cannot be done. 

Faith and fear are on different sides of a coin. They can't co-exist. Fear is a negative force, while faith releases positive energy that attracts thing we need to fulfil a particular mission. 

Whenever you are making negative confessions, understand it that you are confessing fear and that attracts negative forces. Always endeavour to speak faith even when things around you speak otherwise. 

Have Faith!  

Speak Faith! 

Get Results!  

Much love from me to y'all.   

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