who is cleverer than a cat or a dog?


Dogs have twice more, than at cats, neurons in a cerebral cortex – the area which is responsible for thinking, planning and difficult behavior was established by scientists. Results of work have been published in the Frontiers in Neuroanatomy magazine.

Researchers have compared a brain of several animal species, including cats, dogs, lions, brown bears, raccoons, polecats. As it has appeared, dogs in a cerebral cortex have about 530 million neurons while at cats – only 250 million (for comparison, in bark of a human brain about 16 billion neurons). According to researchers, the amount of neurons in this area defines ability of an animal to draw conclusions proceeding from last experience.


However, according to authors of work, cats are for certain not silly, just it is more difficult to study them. So, at the beginning of 2017 the Japanese scientists have come to a conclusion that cats aren't sillier than dogs – they are capable to remember what happens to them, and if necessary to get the necessary information from memory.

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Besides, the attention of researchers was drawn by raccoons – despite the small size, by amount of neurons of a cerebral cortex they don't concede to dogs.


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