Secrets from the Eichstätt Garden. Third Plates.

Mints for Man and Cat

Time to freshen up and slip into something more comfortable.

The French have a proverb: "Handsome cats and fat dungheaps are the sign of a good farmer."
There is also a proverb in Persian: "When the cat and mouse agree, the grocer is ruined," which makes sense to me; but the one in Dutch doesn't much: Those who dislike cats will be carried to the cemetery in the rain." If anybody knows what it means, please let me know.

Find more proverbs with cats here

Renewal of my Steemit Commitment

Perseus with the Head of Medusa by Benvenuto Cellini

We find a very fine magician, wizard (for definition see @cahlen's post), transformer of death forces in our hero Perseus. Give him a block of amassed cosmos and he will sculpt you a vision of life. This inspired Cellini (and later Rodin to whom he in turn was a hero).

What inspires you?

What is this snake-head Medusa all about, actually?

The point is to look at her with the Eye of the Soul, or the I-Am.

For many a woman it is the ultimate nightmare to wake up in the morning with a mop of vipers for a hair-do; and even if she may like to be unburdenend of the chore of straightening herself out again before catching the train to work, and her partner may want her to vacate the bathroom a lot quicker, I don't think it is anyone's business to go about lopping off heads to be done with that. Still, needs must, and certain tangles just won't do in the making of modern man.

Reginald W. Machell(1854-1927); THE PATH:"the way by which the human soul must pass in its evolution to full spiritual self-consciousness.”

If we look at the Medusa Imagery, then we see her impetus to walk the right (8-fold) path (of understanding, thought, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, concentration) was in decline. The mind was ready for a new modus of cognition. The sand of the intuitive third eye had been shaped by god-guided thinking into the silica rock it needed to be to compute the rest that could be known. Medusa, however, isn’t applying her potential in the right way. She is stuck on the old ways of direct contact with the gods: of her consciousness being held in their cupped hands where it read their palms, to then run through their fingers wisely with their ideas for what to do next. This hour glass has had it's time, and now we are ready to write our own programme.

If we were to have continued our human development like Medusa, sourcing our input from the gods, endorsed by them and under their leadership, we might have had quite a bit of executive power to wield but this would hardly constitute exercising our own freely attained and directed will-power. Far better, safer, stronger would be the kind of will a hero trains up, guided by his own inner voice and inspired purely by his human impulse (which would be mentored by divinely delegated - angelic - guidance).

Medusa knew what she knew (what we would refer to as “clairvoyance” today) without really knowing it. Perseus is the energy that cuts us off from these old times and introduces the sense to see for oneself, with eyes on the ground.

Self-Made Man

Ask yourself: how are we (Man) going to get from homo sapiens (creature) to Spirit Self? Eventually we shall be able to metamorphosise ourselves into an immaculate image of human nature. Not with Botox or by going to the gym, but by understanding our spiritual matrix.

First, we have to whittle our mind into the right construction for this understanding, as inspired by the Beauty that binds us to our True Reality and Human Kindness. This will occur through the exercise of recomposing all that has been made in a composition that represents Man best. This will mean putting the aesthetic over functionality. We must learn to move gracefully and speak graciously and learn to receive the grace with which to do so.

After we have chosen the finer tools with which to work effectively (on the path of initiation), we can begin to grow structurally into a Human Being, each and every Individual by themselves, to interconnect with the larger cluster of the Brother-Sisterhood of Man. We shall then become natural self expressions of our Spirit or Higher Self.

Ask your self: Are you using your voice in the right way?

Amplifier found here

Exercise for all my Eyes on the Ground

So, I have a kind request to all my readers to consider taking part in the following Exercise.

  • I would like you all to NOT UPVOTE my post, if you have read it and liked it. Just for today. (Please vote for me again tomorrow as per conform system requirements "to pay as you go" for copy you enjoy sponsoring.)

    [All voters - unless persuasively explaining the reason for their vote notwithstanding - will be considered automated or too automatic for my liking and shall be put on a "Suspicious List" till further notice.]

  • Instead, I would like you to leave your name (comment optional) so that I can compile a list of serious supporters whom I will consider supporting on a regular basis in return.

  • Or (for your convenience) copy/paste the following:
    I have read your post. You can find me @[fill in name]


I want to have a list of daily reading which fits my criteria, which are:
Steemit copy and/or comment writers must be genuine, authentic, original, personal, creative, biographical, innovative, supportive of other creative spirits, and relevant to the moment (since there is a sell-by date on the value of a post based on the date posted). I may not be pacifist, and I am very discerning or even provocative, but I am not out to police the community, so I am personally hard and fast set against all and any downvoting, so this may be considered another guideline for my list.

Mark: the watershed for good and bad copy is always a personal issue, I suppose, but roughly I feel Steemit is a social-media platform and not a blog-site, and this is not the place for political journalism, religious missions, general education, specialist hobby clubs, running businesses, promoting oneself for financial gain, or academic debates, unless this is your passion and your life and how you socially present. If you are a photographer you will put your feelings about the day into a snapshot of the subject that most moved you, no doubt. But that makes for a different post to taking a lucky dip in your photo-files for a pretty - otherwise undefined - picture you once took and now hope to cash in on. I have no problem with anyone making money on Steemit (even by way of a formula that keeps pulling in the same punters) but often to me such posts are dead boring.

Going Tribal

My current assessment tells me that I will be left with a short-list of its own making, and a futher weeding out will not be likely, unless your own content prooves to be plagerised, or you are a flagger, or a bot, or exceptionally boring (to me).

It is worth noting, perhaps that currently I have 0.03 steem at 100% voting power and I upvote comments - with 100% power, too - from those on my priority list before spending what is left over on new curation. This will only (have to) change if my prioity list increases beyond current expectation (to share what little I have to go around more evenly). There are no guarantees for your profits to this Exercise, only a final date: 31st December, when I expect my delegation to be removed and my dual-account delegator may choose to stop voting sooner. Currently he pretty much operates in my wake after complying with his own commitments. So make use of this one-time, short-lived offer while you can, I'd say!

Without this delegation I will suffer the same fate as most of you who refuse to play the game or pay into the System, namely, an extremely low capacity for sponsorship. Even my resteeming anyone would be meaningless, since I am barely read as it is and my blog list seldom run through.

I have asked myself: am I out to create a small tribe of my own? Hardly. But it is to collect some gems around me to make my time here at all workable, while I will be ignoring all political and economical matters for the rest. I find myself with no health or time left for negativity born out of non-utopic real-world-fiat-currency-system imitations.

Postitive Votes In Negative Times

So, considering the ruthless times which have fallen upon us with the Token, Flag and Bot Attacks, it’s worth applying for my attention, I’d say!

How to merge the wallet side of Steemit with the creative side remains a very tricky trial and error situation.

With error currently outweighing the enjoyableness of being here, many speculate that Steemit is failing all expectations fast with every new fork in the road, branching off farther from a Utopic Social-Creative Initiative.

To cheer you up

Learn at this point in the video (see link below) why experienced sailors prefer to use a vessle (trimarans or katamarans are recommended) which can be pulled up onto and launched from a beach. (It also will cut out harbour fees.) Disclaimer: I don’t know what paperwork you need before setting off on such an expedition or how you can tell which beach is private and you might be trespassing on.

Working as a Steemian on the Steem Platform is not always a bundle of laughs, to be sure, many of us will agree. The negatives tend to outweigh for those who invest many hours a day on content writing and curating activities.

Think of flags, persistent negligible income, general discord, misunderstandings, worthless content, interest motivated exclusively by a personal financial agenda, abuse of trust by misleading the reader with unauthentic content, and sundry other far from transparent and connivingly false pretenses orchestrated by Management, etcetera, etcetera. Add your own gripes here….

But hey, as always, with anything: things could be worse. Śmieszne wypadki przy pracy by Morelek.

Poorer judgements can be made. Whether these Silly Billies in the video (see above link) are safer to have on your work floor than some of our fellow Steemian I leave for you to judge for yourself.

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