Take note✨Channeled message


Many of us are seeing things crumble, people, animals, our planet, not all that comforting. We are at this time in type of ‘crunch time’, we have had many opportunities to do things to address our issues here. Seeing as we are taking our time...we are being placed into position to deal, so not always that easy, but if we address what is necessary we will benefit huge for our work.

So we will see lots of ugly...if you don’t wish to be terribly distracted by it...just walk your talk and be real with yourself and what your personally responsible for 💕🙏
So, try for no judgement with shelf or others,as we are all just trying to do our thing here. Some are more aware ..yes it’s true...this is also perfect as we all can some how if open learn from each other and events that unfold on our quest.
The chaos has many lessons for us,
Many events are experienced so we can address what is necessary to continue shifting our planet.
All is ever evolving, dropping illusions helps us with bringing forth our divine destiny.
This is a good thing, we need to see through the illusions and this includes with ourselves. Being raw and real, feeling our emotions and addressing that which is needed so we can embrace what is beneficial and release what no longer serves us.

Our world is shifting a great deal, and it must as things are changing here and now. Mother Earth and Father Sky needs tending as they will not always deal with humans poor behaviour lightly. So we will see lots of unfortunate events unfold. But this is also the way Mother and Father cleanse their house when humans have not been mindful with their walk here. If we look back we can see the patterns
We must connect with our lands live mindfully, addressing all that is needing tending to...including us humans. We seem to need the most tending to. I feel if we could heal ourselves we would automatically shift our world..Universal Law 😉

A wise being will be open to seeing truths and dropping illusions when they feel fit. Our truths may differ, so run with what feels good within..not what others tell us. Our ride will be more of feeling out what is working for us and not so much with words but more instinctual and intuitively feeling out our dance.
We will live with the land and feel our mothers heart beat as ours again. This is the harmony needed now ...we start with us, Love thyself and this shall ripple outwards healing our lands and each other
Stay blessed

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