Mystical Word ?

Many have asked: which profession should I choose in life?
Here are some valid answers:
-Psispy-Reaver of Lust
-Bane Bard of Style
-Flame Barbarian of Discord
-Ianthine Ki-warden of Virtue
-Acrovoid Shaman
-Blood Berserker of Healing and Truth
-Lynx Fang Berserker of Earth
-Ice Night Butcher-Reaver of Wrath and Hope
-Toxihunter of Entropy
-Eagle Flame Zealot
-Shark Cleric of Fire
-Teleassassin of Civilization
-Demon Alchemist-Wizard of Nightmares
-Chaos Thief
-Raven Spy
-Toad Spy of Humility
-Geospy of Wildness
-Moon Fighter of Purity and Terror
-Lion Berserker of Death and Love
-Withering Scout of Justice
-Falcon Paladin
-Aeroalchemist-Butcher of Intoxication

There is a monster to fight if you need to train in this new profession.
This creature has the legs of a human, torso of an owl, tail of a jaguar, scales of an asp and the hand-talons of a stork.
You have only 12% chance of death training against this creature.

that is all for now

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