Unknown Letters

Hey internet people!

Today while just browsing for more anime to watch, just to satisfy my hunger, I stumbled upon a comment on a website. Its a random website and me and my pc doesn't seem to remember the link so sorry for that but I took a screen short of that comment:

comment unknown.JPG

so this comment attracted me and I tried to view the source code, it resulted in this:

source code.JPG

I asked myself what the hell is that? I seems like an old Egyptian language which has been trying to tell me something or moreover god wants me to discover this code to become the world's most greatest hacker....... Of course these are only some random thoughts as I'm crazy but seriously what is this? Looks like traditional Japanese as I was indeed on an anime website so I thought to myself that it be Japanese.

I tried searching this on google but google broke:


Then I tried it on bing, it gave me a feel that I have somehow hacked Microsoft and getting some private information out of them lol:


Then I also tried searching it on Yahoo!!!:

yahoo search.JPG

Results was as expected! NOTHING

Since I'm a detective I also tried looking what is it's font but I end up getting absurd results.

This concludes my day, hmmmph! one more day in life wasted!

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