The mysterious three-hole North Pole!

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NASA scientists have found three big holes in the mysterious mysterious ice sheet in North Pole. The discussion began with scientist Mahale. But they could not find any specific reason or explanation till now. News US CNN News

It has been learned that NASA has launched Operation Eyewear in the last 10 years to create a map of remote areas of the North Pole. The purpose of this campaign, especially due to climate change, is the change in ice-cold sea and land changes.
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On April 14, when the NASA aircraft was flying over the sea in the North Pole of the North Pole, the scientist John Tsantag noticed that there was something strange about ice. He did not see such scenes before. He took photos from the P-3 Research Plane window. Three circles have been caught in the 50-mile north-west of the delta of the Maggi River in Canada.
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John said, 'those circles were created for a few minutes. Nathan Kurtz, a scientist for the Isisbridge project, said, "The picture looks like a hole in the middle of the circle. There is a brown color in the circle, from which it seems that the ice layer in the area is very thin. "But scientists are not able to understand why such a thing has happened in the ocean ice. CNN
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