The Signs of The Outdoors..On My Mind


Here's a custom made sign that once hung over my main street bookstore in Western Colorado. I closed that brick and mortar outlet years ago, but I kept the books, and the sign. Somehow I just could not bear to part with either.

You might say that the sign was a bit of a self portrait. And as you can see, I may have had some other things on my mind.

I love the books, I surely do, particularly of the hunting and fishing kind. But as we know, a man, or a woman, must have the priorities.

No doubt, you might have a guess as to what they might be...

Gone Fishin'...and have a wee green beer for me on this Saint Patty's Day!

By Michael Patrick McCarty

Active Member Outdoor Writers Association of America, and An Ambassador For @myhuntingfishing blog and #myhuntingfishing Community

Come On In - The Water Is Wild, and Free...

"Trout are like dreams hovering in the elusive unconscious. In capturing one, if ever so briefly, before release, there is that sense of revelation occuring when one awakes in the night, snatching a dream from the portals of sleep." - Kitty Pearson-Vincent

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