My Garden Journal July 2022 : A Single Vertical Garden By My Doorstep

Last month I made myself busy building my small garden. Right now we are renting an apartment with no space for a garden. I need to make this happen now or never. That was what I was thinking then when faced with this space challenge. We have a little space enough for a vertical garden on our doorstep.
See the little space I had to work with and fit as many plants as I can. My priority would vegetables that I could harvest and consume but you can find some ornamental plants which I got from my mom's garden so I have something to remember of her.

The top layer is mostly ornamental plants. The vegetables that I will add soon are still about to sprout on their tiny containers so I am thinking "pechay" a green leafy vegetable that we love here in the Philippines. I hope I can upload something about them when they are ready to be transferred to their own pots.
For now I have peppers which are at the bottom layer and next to them is a big "talinum" I use the leaves of these peppers and talinum on most soups that I prepare. The leaves of the peppers we love to put on our "tinola" which is a local favorite dish with chicken and papaya ( it is a hot soup)


Much love,


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