Why I trust in God | faithful testimonies

I was born of a covenant with God. My Mum gave birth to five children before my elder sister, but guess what....! ....she lost them all at birth.
In the year 2000, she gave her life to Christ. Things didn't just start going well, she fought a number of spiritual battles and attacks through faithful prayer, fasting and consecrations. After three years, she conceived me. And I was born in the 9th month of the year 2003. Growing up I had severe asthma which kinda disturbed my childhood a bit. My Mum by faith had a covenant with God. She always say, she had a meeting with God and asked him to fulfil his part of the covenant (and that is giving her a healthy son). After this particular faithful move of hers, I have never experienced asthma for 16 years now.
It was soon time for my mum to also fulfil her part of the covenant, which was to dedicate me to the work of God, which she did gladly. I am currently a proud worshipper of Yahweh, the one who is, who was and the one who is to come.

I will share other faithful story of my life soon. Watch out for the following, My mother's dream which was supposed to enlighten her on what was ahead, my sister's story. Dropping this week.

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