My 2018 - This is my Hobby: My Life on two wheels.

The first thing I have to say in this post is that I come from another planet, thus, I'm an alien. And how did I accept to come here?... I was invited by some other aliens not from this planet. They said that they were gonna send me to a beautiful planet, full of life, air, sun, water, earth and vegetation with a lot of different living species and to all of these together they call NATURE. The brothers alien told me that in that planet I was going to have the possibilities of feeling and experimenting HAPPINESS, FREEDOM AND LOVE for all that things that conform this planet, not to mention life itself, and to make it easier for me, they were going to drop me there with a special vehicle that was going to give the possibilities to move 10 times faster than what I'd do it using my physical body and that this special vehicle would only use my own energy to move. In order to respect the perfect balance in which this planet should remain within its NATURE, and as we're only invited there, we're not allowed to destroy, pollute, kill or change any of the above mentioned. Respect for all we could find here, was the only condition to come. Thus, this vehicle doesn’t pollute. Enjoy your clearance! I’ve to make clear that I asked to be explained about what destroy, pollute and kill was, as from where I come from, these things don’t exist. I just couldn’t believe what I was explained.

The day I was brought in. Farewell photoThe special vehicle. Materialized in site

As a newcomer, the first thing I had to do was find my own livelihood, a job. As where I come from I am a cook, I decided to start with it. The only thing I had was my knowledge and skills and the special vehicle, the bike. So, I customized it to be able to go shopping the incredibly quantity and variety of edible stuff they have here, specially vegetables and fruits. And I started working with it.

Going shopping
Going for dellivery

As I started going out to get in touch with the environment, I began enjoying the beautiful Nature. The air and the sun in my face were something amazing, the quickly I could get from one place to another made it a real good experience. That was true, only with my own energy it could move and take me any where I wanted, silently, non-polluting and healthy way for transportation, as they call it here, healthy. So, I decided to go for a city tour and meet it. I had to get involved with it.

Taking the ride
Looking for panoramical view
Going far and beyond
The neighborhood

I started as an amateur, going around trying to use the bike as much as I could. The air, the sun and the freedom sensation began to take place in my heart and made me fall in love with Nature. Green grass, fresh air and warm sun made me go out on my bike as many times as I could. I became an adept and my neighbors used ask if it was my hobby, I didn't know what a hobby was. I was only engrossed in my bike and everything I was experimenting by using it, the places, the green grass, the open skies, the sun shining on my face, the breeze, trees, people the whole variety I was told was getting me captivated.

As time went by, I began to meet some friends also adept to riding bikes. They're very polite people, we call among each other, brothers and we treat ourselves as if we really were. When we ride together we protect and help to each other, share everything and spend time everyday going for rides together, enjoying all that this planet has for everyone and taking care of it. It's been one of the greatest thing that having this hobby has provided me. Now I have as many brothers as bikers there are, and it doesn't matter if we've never met, a biker is a brother and theres an unwritten code that says we're all for one and one for all.

Pretty soon I realized that this hobby was so great that I had to include my family into it. Having them sharing those experiences, making them live the pleasure of Freedom, Happiness and seeing them feel Love for all of this was something really interesting and good to transmit. I hope they enjoy it as much as I do. I believe so, because I see in their faces and behaviors every after we come back from a ride. Now days, they use their bikes for their regular lives as transportation and fun. By the way, they learned to ride their bikes, without helping wheels, before they were three years old. They´re good at it...

They're grown old now and left home to different countries. I see proudly that they're using their bikes constantly and as this is in our blood it's a real good thing to transmit. I still have the little one here and this has been grateful. He's very enthusiastic and full of energy and loves extreme emotions as I do. So, riding a bike with him has become in a marvelous experience. We even invent and go further than what a simple ride could be and integrate it in our daily tasks, as going to school, shopping, snacks and walking the dog.

But what I really love most, is when we do this kind of combinations. What for...?


While he goes hanging on my bike, I'm the engine that moves us forward in a kind of Bike/skate/skiing daily adventure.
And when homework is already done, there's still plenty of time for somebody else...


If you think I enjoy my hobby, you should see her...

How many times have we gone for a snack together?
SINCE EVER, as many as possible.

Without noticing it, she became part of my life, and no matter if it's late at night, we'd go for a ride if we wanted to. That´s not an exclusive desire for us, there are many cyclists who love riding at night, and we meet whether to share something to eat, drink, ride, talk or even exercise.

As an adept, my passion for my bike went growing and growing with the days. Every weekend was set to visit every cultural, historical or touristically interesting place that this city offers. There's no free time, every minute was already taken for that passion in my chest, it started to go beyond an adept fact. What I was said when I was brought here was true, the vehicle would make it easier to feel Freedom, Happiness and Love for all around in this planet. I used to take long walks to get related to the environment, but it never resulted the same. Then by car, pfffff!!, even worse, I'd say the worst. You never get involved with everything around yourself when you travel encapsulated and isolated from it, never have the time to slow down or pull over, never feel the fresh air in your face, not to mention the pollution each of them produces...

Riding bike skills were also growing and improving, it was fascinating, even more, as I live close to the mountain and I was curious about cross country, downhill, Mountain Bike. Contact with Nature should be even better or fantastic, then I asked some friends that were into it, and an invitation didn't take long to arrive. I have to mention that in this hobby, we've 4 categories: Amateur, Adept, Expert and Extreme. At that moment I was passing from adept to expert and it was a good chance for me to learn Mountain Bike. The first experience captivated me even more. That was just great, the adrenaline, endorphin and many other hormone never abandoned my body since I started. Nature, air, sun and the energy of many magical places were abundant and made me feel so Free, so Happy that it was impossible not to feel Love for it.

Then, I became an expert. I went up one level in the scale. Experiences were unforgettable. Landscapes, Nature, sandy beaches, lagoons, rivers, waterfalls, mountains, friends, energy... the effort the activity demanded made me increase my skills and my horizons expanded beyond. I was feeling more than happy and didn't want to skip any of the planned rides, whether in groups or alone. But my bike couldn't take it. It started suffering several damages, nothing extremely serious but they let me see that I needed a special kind of a bike for that purpose. A double or full suspension bike, special brakes and reinforced aluminum frame. Not what I had. I couldn't go beyond up in the scale to extreme level with the bike I had. I believe one day I'll be able to have one of those bikes and start practicing to achieve that desired level. Meanwhile, I have refurbished the one I have in order to put up with expert level, but not beyond. Patience, one day it'll come. My hobby was growing up and it was taking time and space in my life, but I loved that so much, that I wanted more. Now I want to see all I can get from it. So, I started practicing domestic tourism. Marvelous, fantastic. Being able to go for a trip to different cities or places using my bike, get related with different people and environment, happened to be a great alternative and my current bike was more than perfect for that. Let's get it on!

I don't know how to explain what happens to my mind when I get on my bike, it starts as soon as I decide to do it, and it just blows up. Adrenaline and endorphin are so present in my blood that my whole body becomes my mind to blow up together, and I just disappear becoming one with my bike. I brought the bike into my life to have a hobby in it, but my bike made of my life, my only hobby. What started as a hobby, ended up becoming my life. It's impossible for me to think of my life like something apart from my bike. Feeling FREEDOM, HAPPINESS and LOVE would have been a pretty hard task to achieve without it, in this world. It all compiles in one word "PASSION". There's nothing else when we ride together, it all becomes in only one energy called PASSION.

As a visitor here in this world, there will come the day that I'll have to leave. I just don't know how I'll say goodbye to all of this. Everything they call Nature here is wrapped and drenched in a great energy called LIFE which is the whole and the most important asset we have in everything that has been Created. The whole planet is this energy and it is the only thing the planet does, TO PRODUCE LIFE, and give it to everyone no matter who or what they are. Exploring and finding this magnificence here has been such a great experience. With the special vehicle I was given (my bike), the job is being accomplished day by day, and I love it every minute. There's nothing in this infinite universe compared to the breeze and the sun shining on my face while I go on my bike enjoying LIFE.

Bicycle chain is the only chain that provides FREEDOM

Before I was a cyclist, I was only a simple mortal

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