My 2018 – This Is My Hobby: My Passion For Writing Evolved Into A Money-Making Skill.


As a non-native English Language speaker, I was already involved in my hobbies before I discovered the word “hobby.” And when I did, it made perfect sense as I could resonate with it.

I was one of those kids who could do a lot of things. At an early age, I realised that I could do, not just one or two things but more. In the beginning, I thought this was weird. But as time passed by, and I discovered another word “multi-talented,” the meaning spoke truly to me. It described me and my personality. It was a huge relief to know that I wasn’t weird after all, that I was okay.

For the purpose of this post, I’ll focus on one of my hobbies – writing, detailing how it has evolved to this point in my life.

Writing found me at an early age. As a child, I was fond of writing in the air with my fingers. Sounds weird, right? It certainly was, and Mum taught it was a bad habit. Whenever I was alone, I’d write out words and sentences that came to mind in the air. To me, it made sense; I knew exactly what I was doing. But to onlookers, it didn’t make any sense. Some people even thought I was crazy. Perhaps that was why Mum taught it was a bad habit, and tried so hard to make me stop it. Well, she did her best, and I tried to stop it too, at least, to make her happy. But I couldn’t. The best I did, was to reduce it as much as I could.


Short stories were the first things I wrote when I started writing. I realised that I could conceive ideas. And after reading a few books from school, I figured I could put my ideas on paper like the authors of the book I read. And I did just that.
My Dad was my very first reader. He’d read my short stories, carefully, and state his observations, highlighting ways I could improve on my writing. I took his observations seriously, and tried to input them in my subsequent writings. I remember writing a short novel with hopes of publishing it someday. Till this day, I honestly can’t remember what happened to the manuscript, perhaps a rat ate it up.

Discovering Freelance Writing Through The Internet


As the internet became popular in the mid-2000s, I was fascinated by it, and the many opportunities I read it provided. Computers and internet connections weren’t so common at the time. Like many people, we couldn’t afford them. I’d spend hours at the Cybercafé browsing the internet. It was truly fascinating. And then one day, I stumbled on a freelance writing opportunity at a popular online forum in Nigeria. With a burning curiosity, I read further about freelance writing, and saw that it was a legitimate way of making money online. As a matter of fact, some people in my country Nigeria were already making money from it. I thought this was incredible. I wanted to dive into it right away, but I couldn’t; I didn’t have a personal computer at the time. Going to the Cybercafé to write and send write-ups to clients would be stressful and expensive. I wasn’t ready to tap into the “goldmine.”

Fast-forward to 2010, I was gifted a laptop. As a writer, I couldn’t have gotten a better gift. Till this day, that laptop was the best gift I have ever received in my life. It opened me up to a world of endless possibilities and financial empowerment.


In 2011, I officially kicked off my freelance writing career. I had gone back to the forum to search for available freelance writing jobs. And after some rejections, I landed my very first client! It was surreal. I tried not to get overly excited until I’d actually get paid. I started working. And after completing my first order, I received my very first pay. It was unbelievable. I had read so much about the endless opportunities on the internet, but benefiting from it, was on a totally different level. The realisation that I could make money from writing, motivated me to take my writing even more seriously. I continued writing, diligently, doing it with all seriousness. Fortunately for me, my clients liked my writing, and recommended me to more clients.


Today, I’m an established freelance writer working with clients in different parts of the world. Writing which started out as a hobby for me, has become my day-job, generating income and putting food on my table.

You know what they say: When you make your passion your job, work becomes play. Although writing has become work for me, it’s something that I do effortlessly, with so much joy and excitement. Till date, I find it surprising that I could earn money from something I love doing.

How often do I write?

Everyday. Some days are busier than others. When I have clients’ works that I have to deliver, I write as much as I can to ensure that I meet deadlines. I hate to disappoint my clients. One of the ways to keep your clients is to always deliver at the right time. Nobody wants to work with someone who isn’t reliable.

What do I love about writing?

The power to create and solve problems with the use of words. It’s amazing how I help clients to bring their ideas to reality and solving their business problems by putting words together. Their satisfaction is my priority. When I write fiction, I find it totally humbling that I can create imaginary worlds and characters, and breathe life into them.

Is my hobby a priority?


Obviously! Writing has become a priority for me. I mean, it pays the bills. So yes, I write even when I don’t feel up to it. As long as the inspiration flows and I get things done, I’m up for it.

Am I an amateur or an expert?

I don’t mean to brag or anything, but I think I’ve become an expert at this hobby of mine. And that explains why I get clients. When you are good at what you do, people will want to associate with you because you meet their needs and solve their problems.

Are my happy that my hobby is a part of my job?

Absolutely! Who wouldn’t be happy to have that? I like that I don’t have to beat myself to get work done. I just have to relax and let the inspiration flow.

To everyone out there who has found their passion, keep going at it. It may not be easy, but when you keep pushing, someday, the stars will align in your favour.

Thanks to @anomadsoul for the opportunity to share this story.

Word-count: 1138

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