My2018 - This Is My Hobby: Making Electronic Music

Following my will

By The Ten Thirteen

Ever since I can remember I've have this feeling inside me. One that I never like to talk about because when ever you hear a musician say something like this it sounds so pretentious and gross. Nevertheless I'll continue.
Music is my life.
I grew up in South Central Los Angeles during the 90s. This is where I learned the power of music by watching and observing and listening to the music my neighbors and my family would play and how they reacted to it. Everyone had their own taste and their own style and it perfectly reflected who they were. It was as if the music they chose to listen to was being used to fuel their mood or state of mind. The mean old lady neighbor always playing classical music that I secretly enjoyed listing to. Neighbors in the back playing some Mexican Corridos. Neighbor in the corner that was always working on his cars playing some Pantera. Neighbors in the front bumping 2pac. Everyday it was like this. The music was honest and real. Everyday someone was playing something different. everyday loud. everyday music...

During my middle school years I start to notice something. The music was changing. Boy bands were taking over, Brittney spears was the money maker. Most of the music on the radio was clean, organized and boring. I was starting to become the typical angry teen. What else can I say
Shit was weird.
Then something amazing happened. Something that would change the view of music forever.
My older brother gave me a cassette titled "I heard they suck live" and as soon as I played it
I knew for sure music was what I wanted to do.
the song was linoleum by a band called NOFX pronounced no effects.

It was so different than everything being played on the radio.
(Insert cheesy joke here)
Instead of Nsync they were playing out of sync and not giving a fuck
They were making music they wanted to play knowing it probably wont get air time on the radio or MTV. They were writing what they wanted how they wanted. It was theirs. It was Punk.

Fast Forward
I'm in a punk band. I cant sing I can somewhat play bass but we suck and I was having the best time of my life.
I had confidence. I was filling the void inside me. The need to express myself in the way that I wanted.
I was creating

so now its somewhere around 2010 after my punk band phase is over I get introduced to ecstasy. Having only smoked weed before It is a completely new experience. I'm sweating and full of energy. My eyes look crazy I cant stop talking and telling my brothers that I love them. I think its the first time we actually said it to each other.
Then my little brother comes up to me, hands me his Ipod and tells me. "listen to this"

The music hits me like a fucking train. The drums the synths the space. It takes me on a ride. My brother grabs some glow sticks and puts on a light show. I've never heard music like this before. Never in this way. It was like the puzzle pieces finally came together.
Music, emotion, experience, love and change. Everything just fit. The creating of worlds through music.

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fast forward again >>>>>>>

My 2018
I'm an Electronic music producer
This is my hobby.
I produce music using Fl studio (yes I bought it) but full disclosure I began using cracked programs because well I was broke. I used and abused those programs and after all these years I finally began paying the programmers back. I owe them everything. They are the reason why I can make music and so I feel its important to support them just like they unknowingly supported me.

I started like everyone else a noob. I've almost been at it for eight years and I'm just barely getting okay at it....My music is electronic but it's also punk because of what I learned from NOFX. Making music because I want to and choose to regardless of who's listening or what they think of it. I can create my own world and I can show people whats inside my head through sound.
I go by the artist name The Ten Thirteen


I've only ever posted a song on soundcloud and Steemit. I've never written a blog before this either...I'm sure you can tell by the bad grammar but I believe in this platform and I want to contribute. I will definitely improve my blogging over time. I hope this made sense and gave a little background on how and why I started making music and why Its my hobby

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