China intimidating neighbors, US says

China intimidating neighbors, US says

The United States has harshly criticized China over issues pertaining to the South China Sea (SCS) as the latter has proceeded to deploy some of the most dangerous weapons from its arsenal to the artificial islands it had illegally built in the disputed waters.
China is expanding its military presence in the South China Sea in order to intimidate and coerce its neighbours, the US’s most senior defence official has claimed.

“China’s policy in the South China Sea stands in stark contrast to the openness that our strategy promotes, it calls into question China’s broader goals,” said James Mattis, the US defence secretary.

“The US will continue to pursue a constructive, results-oriented relationship with China, cooperation whenever possible will be the name of the game and competing vigorously where we must of course we recognise any sustainable Indo-Pacific order has a role for China.”

The comments by Mr Mattis at a the annual Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, highlight several things about the shifting dynamics in the Asia Pacific region, a part of the world where the US has long considered itself the dominant military power.

Amid China’s growing military and economic strength, and with the uncertainty about the US’s global role under the “America First” doctrine espoused by Donald Trump, things are changing.

With the US focussed on trying to broker a peace deal with North Korea, one that would satisfy its allies Japan and South Korea, Washington is also trying to balance how to make use of China’s diplomatic cooperation with its military and strategic threat in a part of the world where are least seven nations – China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Brunei – have competing claims.

Mr Mattis specifically highlighted Beijing’s militarisation of artificial islands in the South China Sea, home to some of the world’s busiest sea lanes.
“Make no mistake: America is in the Indo-Pacific to stay. This is our priority theatre,” Mr Mattis said, according to Reuters.

“We are aware China will face an array of challenges and opportunities in coming years, we are prepared to support China’s choices if they promote long-term peace and prosperity for all in this dynamic region.”

Mr Mattis, who also said the issue of US troops in South Korea was “not on the table” at the June 12 summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, spoke against a backdrop of growing tension between the US and China over trade.

Mr Trump has threatened to impose billions of dollars worth of tariffs on Chinese importance and China has threatened to respond in kind.


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