My-Niche: How I Found My Niche in Steemit

Source: Paul Gittins

When I started here in Steemit, I was confused what to write about. I wasn't sure what type of articles I really fit in. I started joining contests and freewrites.

I didn't notice that I was already writing poems again. I submitted poetry entries for freewrite without even thinking about it. I just enjoyed the process of writing it.

Until, I came across @awolesigideon's post in the list of contests. It was really interesting. It talked about 'niche' - explaining what you really love doing and being creative in that craft.

I began evaluating my past posts and I realized that I made several poems. Each poem made me feel happy and satisfied about creating them. That's when I realized that I found my comfort zone - my niche.

This realization made me write about my poetry collection and I am grateful to @awolesigideon for opening my mind to the importance of having a niche.

Here's my poetry collection:

  1. Hiding Behind the Clouds
  2. This is to encourage those who have lost inspiration.
  3. Elephant
  4. This contains 3 Haikus as my first poetry entry for the freewrite organized by @mariannewest. You can check the freewrite community and join in the fun of writing your heart out.
  5. The Wind
  6. This is a metaphorical representation of a friend.
  7. D-R-E-A-M
  8. This is another metaphor. A metaphorical representation of personal goals and aspirations. It is to encourage everyone to pursue it.
  9. The Untitled
  10. It's titled 'The Untitled' because I couldn't think of a title for it at that time. It was an entry for a freewrite on the prompt: Canal. It's about a man who left to pursue his dreams and returned to find his love pregnant and about to give birth of a child that isn't his.
  11. Fumigate
  12. This poem is all about the cramming of activities we experience after we procrastinate.
  13. Sunburn
  14. This is similar to Fumigate's theme. But this contains the regret and result of procrastination.

I will continue writing poems and express my thoughts through the creative craft of poetry.

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